Diet trends are similar to fashion... the truth is, you need to find what works for you
As a Fitness Professional, I am constantly scanning the environment to see what new diet trend is "hot". Right now the Ketogenic diet is in. For a while, the Paleo diet and Intermittent Fasting were in. You catch my drift. Diet trends are similar to fashion trends. They come in hot, gain massive popularity, and eventually die off and are replaced with the next "best thing".
The truth is, there is no one size fits all diet approach that will work for everyone. It's not about "finding a diet", its about creating a way of eating that is sensible and will work for YOU. I have summed this up as the 3 L's.
Love- creating a way of eating that you love
Linear- creating a way of eating that is linear with your health goals
Life- creating a way of eating that you can sustain for the rest of your life
If you can check these 3 L's off, then you are on a great trajectory. If not, then you may have some work to do around these pillars and need to make some adjustments. Do not be fooled by the next trend in nutrition, instead, do the work to become your own Savvy Scientist and figure out a way of eating that will work for you.