Diet, Mental Health And Evolutionary Biology
In modern times developmental research into "Diet, Mental Health, And Evolutionary Biology" have reached a fundamental conclusion.
This is my understanding of a modern comprehension of Diet, Mental Health, And Evolutionary Biology. This in comparison to past beliefs and ancient understandings. In ancient dietary concepts, we gain the correlation between Physical and Mental and spiritual health.
If we fix the physical health, we can eventually correct the mental health. Thought this reasoning is not solely related to gut health but rather fits a relation of various factors that help align us through perceptional awareness. Many known theories have risen within newer concepts underlining evolutionary biology. In the last 100 years since the first release of books such "The Grape Cure" by Johanna Brandt and "Rational Fasting" Arnold Ehret have caused an upstir in fundamental understanding. Since that time we have gained newer understanding of concepts such as "Gut-Brain" as deemed to hold the secrets within newer health movements.
These ancient health concepts are grounded within documented modern scientific understanding. Suggesting our body in essence requires a combination of naturally occurring fruit and vegetables for fiber and nutrients. This is to create a fundamental balance within internal conditions, also through an absence of excessive proteins. They believed that this was a modern approach as to feel full was not the goal. but rather to replenish the body with essential nutrients, through a natural cleansing process also gained through proper nutritional content. (Protein uptake is received through naturally occurring amino acid contained within leafy greens)
Before this time these concepts were not well understood by their merit as they were lacking substantial scientific clarity. In modern times we have decoded newer documented proof of "Ancient Diet" being the over all key to success in Mental, Physical and spiritual health. How can we eat an ancient diet in modern times to expect to receive good overall health? The answer is quite easy and the solution is even easier. If we remove false notions of past requirements. Mostly based on over consumption of high protein based food we gain newer comprehension of what is actually required within modern diet.
Most ancient societies held an advanced knowledge within Science and Agriculture. Eventually this knowledge lead toward other sophisticated levels of mathematical comprehension. This created an overall advancement within their society. This gives rise to an regained understanding that was lost within time itself, as to source its origin is not well documented.
The overall makeup within human biology. How does modern diet affect biochemistry through environmental influence. The context of which I am speaking of is a notion of evolutionary biology, slowly developed through time and thus adaption. Natural living equals Natural vigor, as to live within a diet of Natural lifestyle and natural food types creates a natural strength or immunity. This is based on a delicate balance of nutrients and their absorption within the body and naturally occurring chemical compounds (Hormonal influence) found within nature. This is how the body can recognize a nature alignment of it's nutritional value. Take for example the difference between natural occurring nutrients and man made supplementation.
In conclusion, Modern diet would suggest that for overall health we needed a combination of proper diet and physical activity. This does not tell the full story of essential requirements and the precursors that guide our natural health. I will now list the fundamental guidelines within "Ancient Diet". This comes from a basic understanding within biochemistry and Hormonal balance. I would suggest reading the book "Return to the brain of Eden" by Tony Wright, he explains that to consume fruit, rich in nutrients and biochemical as they do not just replenish lost nutrients and create detoxification to unlock future benefits. It does much more relating toward the nervous system, blood pressure, and cognitive ability. We understand that more is based on molecular science, to achieve natural lifestyle and we must remember that brain chemistry is directly impacted by environmental factors, such as smell, taste and connection to natural life.
Nickolas Peddle