Diesel Generators | Performance Monitoring & Maintenance using IoT & Analytics

Diesel Generators | Performance Monitoring & Maintenance using IoT & Analytics

Today, every commercial and industrial establishment requires a continuous and uninterrupted supply of electricity to keep their production up and running. Any sudden or unexpected outage even for a shorter period, can cause a huge loss of productivity and revenue. Hence, for such scenarios, diesel generators are used as a secondary source of electricity to ensure there is a continuous and uninterrupted power supply so that necessary activities do not suffer, production targets are achieved within time and unplanned downtime is mitigated.

But the real challenge for organizations and DG owner's lies in proactive monitoring, management and maintenance of their backup generators due to lack of relevant data. Manual & on-site monitoring, fuel theft & pilferage, unwanted downtime hours add to their suffering.

challenges of diesel generator monitoring

So, it is crucial for every business and industrial unit to monitor the vital parameters of generators, to prevent any unwanted downtime due to power outage. IoT solutions can be used to enable remote health monitoring of generators to predict any sudden failure and prevent any tampering or pilferage. "A smart monitoring solution will improve the reliability and performance of diesel generators by helping DG owners identify and overcome such problems."


The Diesel Generator Monitoring System by DATOMS provides a convenient means to remotely monitor vital parameters of the generator such as run hour, engine RPM, engine frequency, fuel levels, battery voltage, oil pressure, engine temperature, generated output power, mains and generator voltage, etc for a seamless operation. The solution is designed keeping in mind the wide variety of generators available in the market. It can easily integrate with any make/model of generators to provide crucial information in real-time.


Intelligent sensors, with capabilities to monitor various parameters are integrated with the generator. The sensors communicate with our gateway device TraDe, which captures the readings acquired by the sensors and transmits them to our IoT Platform-DATOMS. These data are then monitored continuously in real-time and can be viewed anywhere-anytime through the user interactive web and mobile applications.

Whenever any specific conditions are violated, instant alert and alarms are initiated simultaneously to the concerned facility manager and service engineers to take preventive steps and to plan any maintenance-related activities. Such timely predictive and condition-based monitoring helps improve response time to performance-related issues and detect any possible fuel leak or theft during runtime.


DATOMS | Generator Monitoring Parameters


Centralized Platform: A centralized platform that gives you the flexibility to manage all your generators located at multiple sites through a dedicated dashboard, which can be accessed from almost anywhere and anytime.

Real-time Monitoring: Smart tool monitoring and controlling your entire generator system, including different electrical parameters, fuel parameters, battery status, temperature, etc. in real-time. The data obtained can be used to take timely actions to keep your generator healthy and running uninterruptedly.

Remote Diagnostic: Remote diagnostic service ensures you against any defect or malfunction that arises in the generator and provides you with a quick resolution in the shortest possible time reducing the need for costly on-site visits.

Predictive Maintenance: Quickly identifies signs of problems with your generator prior to component failure and minimize replacement and labour costs due to critical failure. Predictive maintenance keeps your system running by maximizing the operating time of your generators by anticipating their failure.

User Management: A robust platform with built-in tools and functionalities enabling the administrator to manage and schedule generators that need to be managed on priority. The platform also features a custom permission management system for different users and team members defining their roles

Automated Scheduler: The system supports automatic scheduling of the generator, increasing user convenience by eliminating manual handling of switching generator ON/OFF each time power goes out. The sensors also automatically trip-off the generator whenever the fuel level goes low to avoid sudden seizure.

Alarms for Fuel Thefts & Leakage: Fuel accounts for more than 60% of total generator operational cost. Our advanced fuel monitoring system, now continuously monitor fuel for any over-consumption or leakage to evade revenue setbacks. The system also features a unique theft-control mechanism that warns the user whenever there is any suspicious event of fuel pilferage.

Powerful KPI Reports: Get highly customized reports which can be used for audit reporting or submit to higher officials and administrations as when required on a daily, weekly and monthly basis.


  • 24/7 Centralized Monitoring
  • Reduce Downtime & Expense
  • Enhanced Decision Making
  • Fuel Saving & Theft Protection
  • Streamline Processes & Workflows
  • Customer Satisfaction

In conclusion, DATOMS | Diesel Generator Monitoring System lets you track and remotely access crucial information of generator from anywhere, anytime on any device. This helps you efficiently manage resources for the maintenance of generators to minimize CAPEX and maximize ROI. DG Manufacturers and O&Ms can leverage DATOMS Generator Monitoring System to determine the cause, affecting the performance of generators in real-time. The data generated will help them predict and prevent issues even before they arise, helping them improve their machine design and performance in the future.

DATOMS offers you a comprehensive 24/7 generator monitoring solution, that gives you a competitive advantage over the competition with a peace of mind. 

*For more information, contact us today. Email: [email protected]



