Jacqueline Wilson
Former First Lady Wayne State University and B.S.P. International, LLC, Luxury Real Estate Professional-Max Broock
Permanent Life Insurance
*Die Too Soon Death Benefit Protection
* Live Too Long Cash Value Accumulation Lifetime Income Benefit Rider (LIBR)
* Become ILL Accelerated Benefits Riders
Where will the money come from to provide survivor benefits? Life insurance is the only financial product that provides immediate tax-free* cash at the death of the insured. DIE TOO SOON *Internal Revenue Code 101(a)(1)
"What if my retirement assets run out? Modern life insurance policies provide the potential to access your policy's cash value through loans and withdrawals, or through income riders, to help fund a retirement income shortfall. LIVE TOO LONG
"What Will I Use for a Financial Resource If I'm Seriously Sick or Injured? Modern Life Insurance Policies can provide you access to your death benefit while living through the use of Living Benefits riders(3) in the event of a qualifying illness or injury. (3) Living benefits are provided by no-additional premium accelerated benefit riders.
Life Insurance for Lifetime Income (LIBR) The Lifetime Income Benefit Rider (LIBR) allows you to use your insurance policy's cash value, if sufficiently funded, to provide a stream of tax-free income that is calculated when the rider is exercised. (2) Once elected, the rider guarantees income for life, and you are only charged for the rider if you turn on income during the income payment period. The payments will reduce the cash value and the death benefit of the policy, but it will not drop below $1,000 of cash value, or $15,000 of death benefit which will pay to your beneficiaries after death. (2) The Lifetime Income Benefit Rider, form series 20412(0616), provides a benefit got like of the insured if certain conditions are met, insufficient policy values or outstanding policy loans may also restrict exercising the rider.
Accelerated Benefit Riders (ABRs)(4) BECOME ILL Terminal Illness * Chronic Illness * Critical Illness * Critical Injury (4) Riders are supplemental benefits that can be added to a life insurance policy and are not suitable unless you have a need for life insurance. How ABRs Work. Once you meet the eligibility to accelerate your death benefit, there are no restrictions on how you use ABR proceeds (except in MA) and may be used for any purpose, including, but not limited to: 1. Medical Expenses 2. Home Renovations 3. Additional Care 4. Business Expenses
Protection For Your Beneficiaries - Protect who and what you love is a top priority. Living Benefits - Helping you and your budget in the event of a qualifying illness or injury. Potential for income for Life Guaranteed. - Income you can't outlive- no matter how long you live
At the end of the day - It's about protecting what matters most.... Figuring out life's puzzles.