Die Hard, Die Early! Author. Jay Kay.
Author. Jay Kay.

Die Hard, Die Early! Author. Jay Kay.

The author shares his revelation of truth in this book. How many times did you think about escaping from the continuous chatter that is going on non-stop in your mind? Look no further – here is a practical solution to all your impending problems that will heal thyself and pave the way to realization. It is the essence of the teaching of the Buddha, the actual experience of the truths of which he spoke. The Buddha himself attained that experience by the practices of meditation, and therefore meditation is what he primarily taught. His words are records of his experiences in meditation, as well as detailed instructions on how to practice reaching the goal he had attained, the experience of truth. This practice is a contemporary method that is beyond any scriptures, and it is a simple method to liberate oneself from the maladies of mind, founded by the Buddha.

Your journey of consciousness has begun with the guided tour to the ultimate ten days of life-changing experiences of the Vipassana program. Indeed, this is true silence! You will be riding on the noble path and the journey of realizing self.

Prologue: How many times did you think about escaping from the continuous chatter that is going on non-stop in your mind? Look no further – here is a practical solution to all your impending problems that will heal thyself and pave the way to realization. It is the essence of the teaching of the Buddha, the actual experience of the truths of which he spoke. The Buddha himself attained that experience by the practices of meditation, and therefore meditation is what he primarily taught. His words are records of his experiences in meditation, as well as detailed instructions on how to practice reaching the goal he had attained, the experience of truth. This practice is a contemporary method that is beyond any scrip-tures, and it is a simple method to liberate oneself from the maladies of mind, founded by the Buddha.

The Ultimate path of wisdom: From time immemorial, many seers have ventured deep into the forests in search of realization from the Buddha, Bodhidharma, Jesus Christ, Bodhisattva, Al-Hallaj Mansoor and many more who had renounced kingdoms in search of inner revelations of truth.

Each of them was kind enough to shower the world with universal love and the path of dhamma and invoke their blessings to each of you. Each of the above masters developed their own techniques and methods for self-realization based on their own revelations of truth.

Practice makes one perfect: Eventually all conditioning stock will surface, and you would simply observe without reacting, thus resulting in dissipating all karmic influences.

I suppose you are getting my point. It is like disconnecting the pressure on the car wheels to the seats for passenger comforts using shock absorbers. In this analogy assume body is the car. You would end-up watching sensations objectively, thus result-ing in reprogramming cells without reacting to the stimuli. Thus, the stock of past Sankara’s (karma) dissipates one by one and pave way towards subtle sensations, which are aligned with Nature. Further, deeper, and deeper state of consciousness will evolve into the fullest state of being.

Even if your past emotions, conditioning evokes emotions, it will not cause chemical changes in the body. This is the ultimate revelations of Bud-dha. Thus, body will remain untouched by these emotions, eventually each of these emotions due to the past karmas or current will fade away. It be-comes futile for the karmas and fades away eventually through constant practices.

Energy Phenomenon: Finally, Buddha started objectively watching his breadth and sensations continuous for seven days sitting under the Bodhi tree. The Bodhi Tree (Sanskrit) known as Bo (from Sinhalese: Bo) and "peepal tree" in Nepal and Bhutan, was a large and very old sacred fig tree (Ficus religious) located in Bodh Gaya, Bihar, India, under which Siddhartha Gautama, the spiritual teacher later known as Buddha, is said to have attained enlightenment (Bodhi means awakening or enlightenment). In religious iconography, the Bodhi tree is recognizable by its heart-shaped leaves, which are usually prominently displayed.

Ancient Wisdom: You got to realize the importance of scientific revelations of truth followed in most of the religions. Every religion tried to give you set of rules as disciplines to alleviate from sufferings. Today, current generation will need basic scientific relevance to avoid mistakes. Hence, a basic education to help each of you comprehend truths in scientific terms is required. For example. If I say, ‘association of energy particle is mass’ you would say yes unanimously as science has proven some basic things to relate. However, unless it becomes your revelations of truth, you will not enjoy the universal truth as experience.

Noble Eight Fold Path: The first part of Vipassana is the physical part, which is observing breadth. Then, slowly you would progress into observing sensations in body and the third and ultimate step is to go to the mind deeper and deeper to watch thoughts arising and passing away like clouds.

Epilogue: I would like to thank Goenka Ji’s for his kind patience in teaching millions of seekers around the world. I hear his resounding voice, and those days of memorable 10 days programme is a quantum leap into eternal consciousness to lead you a life of noble path. To liberate from pains, miseries, and sufferings both physically and mentally.

Link: Die Hard, DieDie Hard, Die Early Early!!!: The only stress buster in contemporary times! eBook : Kay, Jay: Amazon.in: Books

Sample Read: Die Hard, Die Early!!!: The only stress buster in contemporary times! eBook : Kay, Jay: Amazon.in: Books


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