“It didn’t happen” syndrome (business edition)
Branko Skipina
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Creating some fictive story about success (power, knowledge, how cool you are, etc..) is always popular among kids and young adults that have talent for telling stories. You did some cool trick at a football match that left everyone impressed, dominated in a video game, easily charmed everyone’s dream girl, passed the exam “without studying”, told your boss “f**k you” and got a promotion instead of getting fired, company earned $10.000.000 thanks to you, had a threesome with two exotic girls in some foreign country…
Here is the fact – all of these scenarios actually happened to some people (to some of them probably multiple times), maybe some of them even to you. People share these stories for simple reasons – validation and demonstration of higher values. And a simple desire for others to admire them (actually, to make others feel jealousy). And maybe a very few (humble) people simply want to spread good news with the world.
In times before social networks (and hiding behind anonymity), these stories would had to be told face to face or over the phone. You would have better chances to judge if those stories were true or not.
In the times of social networks, scenarios from the first paragraph are now happening to (too) many people on daily bases and they simply have to share them with “mortals”. Ah, how cool they are…
In private/personal world, we call this lies and fantasies.
In the domain of business (like LinkedIN world), it is called "marketing", "promotion" and "(self)branding".
And that is fine. It is called (business) life and everyone has the right to share with the world whatever he/she wants. Even lies.
The problem is…where do you draw the line? Where do you stop with it, before it becomes disease, addiction or syndrome known as:
“It didn’t happen” syndrome…ok, it is not known as syndrome, I (like to) call it a syndrome, though Internet already had defined it as “Pics or it didn’t happen”.
As I mentioned before, it is really understandable. When a young person enters the business world (HR, legal, marketing, project management, sales, coaching, programming, etc…), it can be (and is) overwhelming. You are just a kid, a small fish in a medium pond full of big and huge sharks. In addition, those sharks are sharing some cool (hunting) stories and they earn respect (currency calculated through number of likes, comments and shares, both positive and negative), thus getting better chances to find better job offers. How can a youngling survive in that cruel business world? He doesn’t have enough experience, business contacts and opportunities to create those cool stories. And he might even feel years will pass because he “accumulates” those cool success/wisdom stories.
Quick (insta)fix?
Adapt some of already heard successful stories or create brand new ones and hope that it will create some “wow” effect.
Of course, there are lot of “subcategories” of this syndrome, like
* People often ask me…
“People often ask me how to improve their business relations at their work, especially with their boss. I always tell them my story how I managed to improve my relations and gain respect from my superior by going for constructive criticism that would be in everyone’s interest. It is challenging, but if I could do it, anyone can! ” – John Peofasme, currently looking for new opportunities (no one asked him anything in weeks; fired from previous two jobs for getting into fights with bosses, one ended with broken jaw…)
* I hired person X although reasons YZ
“I hired a person although he was way old/different nationality/late/tired/went to wrong address/afraid/Godknowswhathandicap…because I believe in giving opportunity…now he is the CEO of ZYX and always remembers me.” – Mike Ihipealre (person made small make grammar mistake in CV, was few years older that expected/late five minutes or hiring happened several months ago and now no one can actually figure out who is that employee)
* A friend asked me for a help and/or advice…/ SF (shared friend) version
I think there is no need to make an example here. We are talking about our good imaginary friend John Doe, that is shared among thousands of people and that we are helping him daily (day after day different people are trying to help him in the same situation), and it looks like our friend will tomorrow need help from another person on same issues. I really feel sorry for our mutual friend John Doe.
* Doing something epic in incredible short amount of time
“It is my first job, first time doing sales. But through my faith and the power of Greyskull, I managed to close one hundred trillionzillion dollar business and got promoted into sales team lead” – Mike Epics (he actually did close a deal on his first day of work, but it was standard value sales…though he did get an applause of encouragement…and got promotion six month later after working very hard).
“I managed to maintain to stability in this entrepreneurship world as a consultant after just one month! I was afraid, but I knew I succeed it” – Gabriela Epiconi (respect for opening entrepreneurship agency, you go girl, but you still work in a company and your idea of entrepreneurship agency is possible side hustle… and probably low or no taxes if you do not get any gig).
* From rags to riches
“I was no one important, pathetic. I had to move into apartment, ate dirt, sleepless nights, constantly fighting. But my hard work and power of Greyskull gave me strength to endure challenges. Study and work! Now, I am the CEO.” – Steve Fratori (Seriously, Steve! You parents kicked you out of the house because you were 36 years old, constantly playing League of Legends, didn’t finish your studies and you still do not know how to make eggs! You were forced to start working as an accountant in your father’s company!)
A person asked me (seriously, she did, she isn’t my imaginary friend Jane Doe) why am I so sarcastic and cynical about this, in terms of business (when I am the one who believes in people, better tomorrow, power of change, etc..). My answer (actually, counter-question) was an honest one:
“If there are so many cool business people as presented on social networks, why the hell is so terrible situation in the (business) world?”
Don’t get me wrong, I am not mocking the people that actually were in those mentioned situations and did some great job (well, not exactly the mentioned ones, but similar…and with less sarcasm). But…
Seriously, if only half of mentioned situations (on social networks) in business world (supposedly) happened, I think we would all feel cumulative effect of those cool stories in real life. Yet somehow, that business butterfly effect is rarely seen.
Of course, I really understand the reality, I really do (actually, I am doing my best to understand it). This is a business race and you need to show your (cool) competence asap (as soon as possible), otherwise you will be overrun by other racers. You need to promote yourself! You need to say something cool!
Well, if you really to gain your own stories (actually, maybe the right world would be competence/value/relevance on business social networks), try to create them in according with your (current) situation:
- If you’ve recently started a career, try to share your opinion on something you find relevant. But share them in open form (and not some arrogant, imperative all-known form like you figured out the absolute truth behind the Universe) that invites for discussion and advices from more experienced colleagues in that area. No one (normal and reasonable) should expect that you have some competency when you have just started learning your job!
- Like, comment and share the articles and posts that you can really relate to and/or find value.
- When you comment, be a (honest one) diplomat, not a people pleasure nor arguer. It is perfectly fine to write (your opinion) how you see some things from your perspective. No need to suck up to everyone! And try (if you can) to give your comments some solid base (known as proof)
- If you find some article relevant, share it, give your opinion, but also (politely) ask for feedback from others. A lot of knowledge is hidden in listening, not (your) talking!
- Try communicating more. I know this sounds ridiculous, but I mean have conversations not only with colleagues, but with your friends and acquaintances as well on some business questions. That is also the way to gain experience, knowledge and maybe cool stories (though, do not go overboard with this, there are reasons why they are your friends and not colleagues :D )
- Tell the story where you learned a lesson from other people’s experiences. You are not less cool if you were on the winning team (and not the leader), even if you were the one that the lesson was taught to. It means that you have ability to grow and learn beyond your current level.
As I’ve mentioned before, I really understand the situation. You need to add “flavor” to your fictive dishes, or even create a completely new ones (I hope your realize I am not talking about the food). “White lies” sound familiar to you? But do not lose yourself in these fictive stories. Real values come from your real experiences. And you will experience them, sooner that you think. In the beginning, they will be small. But they will grow, same as you.
After all, true message of those great success/wisdom stories should be not to show how cool you are, but how cool are your values first. Too many people simply talk the talk, and too little walk the walk.
No one said it is easy. Heck, it is very hard. Nevertheless, I think it is worth in the end.
Be one of those that walk the talk.
Make it happen. :)
USPEH I SLOBODA Poma?em u razvoju strategija za preduzetnike, osiguranje bezbednog post-preduzetni?kog perioda i planiranje ranijeg penzionisanja.
4 年Odli?na tema Branko! Trend svakako postoji. On je kao i mnoge druge stvari po difoltu uvezen sa zapada i niko izgleda nije preterano razmi?ljao o tome nego je samo krenuo u puku primenu. Marketing je sasvim dobar i opravdan ako ima smisla. Ako se svodi na pri?u koja nema realan osnov onda je to ?uplje i ljudi to brzo ukapiraju, to je kontraproduktivno. To je jedna strana pri?e. Sa druge strane, na tr?i?tu se nude brojne i razne instant metode i re?enja. U takvom okru?enju ljudi ponekad ne veruju da je ne?to mogu?e jer im izgleda veliko i komplikovano.
Strategic CMO & Marketing Executive | Proven Revenue Growth in B2B Tech & SaaS | Transforming Marketing into a Revenue Engine with a bit of Funk |
4 年In the domain of business (like LinkedIn world), it is called marketing, promotion, and (self)branding - I would say no, it isn't. It is called bullshit and lies, as it is in the real world. Every single thing my team and me share really happened. Using someone else's experience and present it as your own isn't self-branding. It's still bullshit. Promoting yourself based on no existing results is still bullshit. And it is definitely not marketing. That's all I have to say. On the other hand, we post most than others, I do it even up to 3 times per day, hitting all the timezones, but it isn't spamming. Carolyn said it nicely in this post. https://www.dhirubhai.net/posts/carolynschneller_nemanja-zivkovic-ceo-funky-marketing-activity-6712058139040088065-fAaT
I can help with: HR | Company Culture | Coaching | Mentoring | Brainstorming | Negotiating | Moderating Events | Mediation | Job Interviews | SWOT analysis | Forecasting Company Growth | #ReadXCoach #KafaiKnjiga #BrankoS
4 年Voleo bih da ?ujem kako trend preteranog (imaginarnog) hvalisanja na LinkedINu do?ivljavaju ljudi iz razli?itih bran?i: Milica Kljaji?, Bojan Lekovi?, Veselin Jevrosimovic, Zoran Lazic, ?ivojin ?ika Petrovi?, Dr Kenan Crnki?, Dragana Mitri? - A?imovi?, Ph.D., Ivan Dabic, Nemanja Zivkovic, Predrag Spasojevic, Dejan Simic, Vuk Popovic, Marko Vidakovi?, Mark Manson, Robin Sharma Zoran Tubi?, Dragan M. Jovi?, Branko Milutinovi?, Rick Conlow,Adam Grant, Dejan Zivkovic...