Didn’t get the job after the interview?
Olivia Attwood
Certified Professional Resume Writer ● Career Coach ● Executive Resume Writer ● MBA, BEng, CPRW, CPCC
You spent a week preparing for a job interview only to get rejected by the employer at the end. It can be quite frustrating to get rejected after a job interview. However, a job search is an ongoing journey of bouncing back from job rejections till you get the job of your dreams. So, don’t get discouraged yet.
You may have thought yourself perfectly qualified for the job that you were interviewing for. However, there will always be several other equally qualified candidates applying for jobs alongside you. So, it is important to not take every rejection too seriously. Here are some of our best advice for dealing with job rejection.
Don’t take it personally
The first thing that goes through your mind when you get rejected by the employer is that they rejected you as a person. This is a completely normal thing to feel. However, there will be many other explanations for their rejection than who you are as a person. Whenever you feel yourself taking a job rejection too personally, ask yourself “What other explanations are there for this rejection?” When you look at the matter unbiased, you may be able to see how you lacked a certain set of skills, failed to explain a career gap successfully, couldn’t perform well during the interview, etc. that may have led to the rejection.
Get feedback from the employers
Once you receive a rejection email from an employer, treat it as a chance to improve yourself. Reply to them politely and ask them for feedback about your interview performance. Most interviewers will be more than happy to share their thoughts with you if their busy schedules permit. Feedback doesn’t need to come from the employer alone. You too can give yourself some feedback on your interview performance. Take ten minutes to make a list of things that you did well during the interview and things you wish you could have done better.
Learn to find the right jobs
Sometimes. You get rejected from jobs simply because you have applied for the wrong position. If you are a strong management candidate, you may not perform so well during an interview for an entry-level position. Your interview performance will tell employers that you are overqualified for the position, and you will automatically be rejected even before the interview is over. The next time, apply a few filters to your job applications. Instead of applying for every job you see, choose your job applications wisely.
Improve your performance
During your self-assessment, you may have noticed a few things that need to improve with your interview performance. Use the time between your next job interview and how to improve your interview performance. Did you know that AI can help with your interview prep? Use all the resources available to you to ensure that you give a stellar performance at your next job interview. If you need more help with interview prep, Resume Mansion has published some great articles on the topic. Don’t forget to visit our blog at www.resumemansion.com when you prepare for your next job interview!