Did you spot it?
Author Unknown

Did you spot it?

How long did it take for you to spot the mistake? How many times did you look at the pattern of numbers before realising?

Far too often people get caught up in the numbers without focusing on the words, they rush their way through missing simple and seemingly obvious detail, not listening or hearing whats actually being said and assuming they can solve the problem or issues prospective clients face.

This is just a simple exercise that I have used for sometime now when delivering training to members of my team.


Because, Its so important when dealing with customers requirements that we focus on the details, we hear whats actually being said, requested and we don's assume to know what it is they require. This might sound basic and obvious and that is because it is! But I can assure you that 90% of the people working within a sales environment will have been guilty of this in the past just like 90% of you who read the initial image would not have solved it on first time of looking.

Sales is hard enough when breaking down barriers, getting past door keepers and getting in front of decision makers don't ruin your chances just because you didn't listen.

The key message behind this post is this - don't assume you know, don't assume they expect you to know - ask, listen and formulate your package based on facts not assumptions.


Radu Valentin C.

Supply Chain Coordinator

6 年

5 seconds.... way to long..... :(



