Did you Know UK Budget 2015: Summary of Key Points?

Did you Know UK Budget 2015: Summary of Key Points?

Help To Buy ISAs, tax cuts, pensions, online accounts and beer duty, here's everything you need to know about what George Osborne said

No giveaways, no gimmicks: That's what George Osborne has promised from his 2015 Budget, which is his last chance before the election to persuade voters that he's done a good job of balancing Britain's books. 

The Chancellor certainly threw a few tax cuts in to act as vote sweeteners but they have to be paid for by others.

Has he stuck to his word? Is he responsible for a bounce in the UK's economy? You decide, here is what he has announced:

Help To Buy ISA

*A new ISA will be available for first-time buyers. For every £200 a first-time buyer saves, the government will top up with another £50. It means that if you put in £12,000, the government will put in £3,000 more. 
[ Read the details on the Help To Buy ISA here ]

Flexible ISAs

*Money can be taken in and out of ISAs from this Autumn without savers losing their tax-free allowance.

Pension Changes

*The Lifetime Allowance for pension savings has been reduced from £1.25 million to £1million from April 2016 Read the details here ].

*The Chancellor has confirmed that the Treasury has published a consultation to allow pension freedoms to be extended to 5million existing annuity policy holders in 2016 Read the details here ].

More Tax Free Savings

*A new Personal Savings Allowance has been announced, which will mean that from April next year the first £1,000 of the interest earned on all of your savings will be completely tax-free - regardless of whether or not they are in an ISA.

Tax Changes

*The Chancellor confirmed that the personal allowance (the amount that you can earn before income tax kicks in) has been increased from £10,800 this year to £11,000 next year.

*The threshold at which people start paying 40p tax to rise from £42,385 to £43,300.

Death of the Annual Tax Return

*The Chancellor has axed the annual tax-return, which will affect 12 million people. Instead people will have the information the HMRC needs automatically uploaded into new digital tax accounts.

*Those with the most complex tax affairs will be able to manage their account online. More details here ]

Cutting the cost of Beer, Cider and Spirits

*The Chancellor announced a tax cut of 1p on a pint and 2% cut on the duty of spirits and cider.

Frozen Fuel Duty

*Once again George Osborne confirmed that fuel duty will remain frozen.

Economy Updates

*The UK economy is forecast to grow by 2.5% this year [up from previous forecast of 2.4%], 2.3% in 2016 [up from 2.2%], 2.3% in 2017 [down from previous forecast of 2.4%], according to the Office for Budgetary Responsibility (OBR).

*Unemployment set to fall by 0.1% from 5.4% to 5.3% this year

*Inflation forecast to fall to 0.2%, according to the OBR

*Osborne warned that Greece exit from the euro remains a serious threat to the Global and UK economy

*Announced sale of £13billion of Northern Rock and bank bailout mortgage assets. The government is to also sell a further £9billion of Lloyds shares this year. The cash will be used to pay down the UK's national debt.

*The original debt target set out in his first budget has been met, said the Chancellor.

*Debt as a share of GDP is set to fall from this year to 80.4% ending up at 71.6% in 2019-20.

*Borrowing is set to fall to £90.2 billion this year and is forecast to fall to £75.3 billion next year and £39.4 billion in 2017, according to the OBR.

*It's forecast there will be a budget surplus of £7billion in 2019/20.

*A further £30billion in savings must be found this year.

Crackdown on tax avoidance

*Further measures to close schemes and loopholes that allow business and individuals to wriggle out of tax have been announced, the changes are expected to raise £3.1billion.

Review of Business Rates

*In an effort to save high street shops from the threat of internet companies, the Chancellor has announced a review of business rates More details here ]

Bank levy increased

*Raised bank levy to 0.21%, which is expected to raise an extra £900million a year.

Regional Recoveries

*Greater Manchester to keep 100% of cash from business rates – the same deal is being offered to Cambridge

*£100million invested in driverless technology to be developed in the Midlands

*New rail franchise in the South West

*Toll rates reduced on bridges in Wales

Tax breaks For North Sea Oil Companies

*The Chancellor announced £1.3billion of support to North Sea oil companies, following a global drop in oil prices.

*Petroleum revenue tax cut from 50% to 35%. 


Zahir Serrai MBA / Ops Management的更多文章

