Did You Know TED Is Making This Year's Program Available in Local Theaters?
Did you know the April 24-28 #TED 2017 in Vancouver (which is sold out) is making their program available to anyone who wants to attend - via theaters in their local cities? Tickets are only $20 which is a real bargain as live tickets are by application only and $10,000 plus.Check this link for the host cinemas in your city https://tedcinema.com/
In particular, there is a showing on April 30 of the HIGHLIGHTS of this year's event - which features spectacular speakers ranging from visionary Elon Musk to author Anne Lamott to tennis champ Serena Williams to Four-Hour Work Week author Tim Ferriss. See the complete speaker list here - https://ted2017.ted.com/speakers
I have already made reservations for a large group at a #Denver theater and will be hosting a salon afterwards so we can debrief highlights and swap notes about our epiphanies.
Why not do the same in your own city for friends and co-workers?
Think about it. We can go to a concert, play, movie or book-reading from one of our favorite artists. And that's nice.
However, this is an opportunity to experience curated BEST OF THE BEST leading edge thinkers from around the world sharing their most exciting "ideas worth spreading."
What makes this even better is you get to share this experience with others and swap notes afterwards. Maybe it's just me ... but that kind of sounds like bliss.
Some of you know I used to host salons at the National Press Club in Washington DC. I created a facilitated approach where everyone in the room felt included and had an opportunity to connect and contribute so it truly was a fun, meaningful "rising tide raising all participants" event.
If you decide to host your own TED cinema party/ discussion in your own town, and you want our guidelines on how to ensure your gathering is truly an interactive event where everyone adds and receives value, email us at [email protected] and we'll be glad to send them to you.
What a wonderful opportunity to focus on what's RIGHT in the world and immerse ourselves in the collective genius of proactive people who are dedicating themselves to making the world a better place. Thank you TED.
I know where I'll be April 30. How about you?
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Sam Horn is on a mission to help people create more compelling, collaborative communications that add value for all involved. Her TEDx talk and books - including POP!, Tongue Fu!, IDEApreneur and Washington Post bestseller Got Your Attention? - have been featured in New York Times, Forbes, INC and Fast Companyand presented to NASA, Accenture, ASAE and National Geographic. Want Sam to present at your next convention? Contact [email protected]