Richard Elias
Top Producer | Real Estate Professional | All Surrounding San Diego Areas | COMPASS
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* Here are some facts to ponder:
- 1 in every 588 Americans is homeless.
- The 10 states with the highest homeless rates account for 55% of the homeless population - California, New York (68,000), Florida (27,500), Texas (27,000), Washington, Massachusetts, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Illinois and Colorado.
- 18% are chronically homeless.
- 7% are unaccompanied youth under 25.
- 7% are veterans. (HUD)
*?Residential and industrial construction firms added 25,000 jobs in May, up from a monthly average of 17,000 over the prior 12 months. (WSJ)
*?Water resources in Europe are growing increasingly scarce because of the deepening climate emergency, with record-breaking temperatures through spring and a historic winter heatwave taking a visible toll on the region’s rivers and ski slopes.?Reservoirs in Mediterranean countries like Italy have fallen to water levels typically associated with summer heatwaves in recent weeks, threatening agricultural production. (CNBC)
*?1 in 5 housing projects have been delayed or canceled owing to shortages of electrical transformers. There is now an over-supply of lumber, appliances etc, but transformers were overlooked.... (WSJ)