Did You Know That You Are a Leader?
Photo of Giving Children Hope's staff

Did You Know That You Are a Leader?

Written by guest contributor Pete Bowen, CEO of Giving Children Hope

The more people trust your knowledge, that you love them, and that you get things done, the more they will trust you and follow your leadership.

There are a lot of people who don’t think of themselves as leaders. They aren’t managers at work or politicians in office or social influencers online. Because they don’t feel like leaders, they don’t think much about leadership.

Leadership itself can be confusing. Ask 10 leaders how they define leadership, and you might get five different answers and five confused looks.

You Are A leader, Whether or Not You Think You Are

Maybe you don’t think of yourself as a leader. But you are a leader, and probably in more ways than you think.

Let’s start by defining leadership. Leadership is simply one providing guidance for another.

Leadership is obvious in some areas—like managers being leaders at work—and less obvious in others. Doctors provide guidance—leadership—in our medical affairs. Lawyers lead us through legal issues. Plumbers and auto mechanics provide lead us through plumbing and auto issues. Sommeliers lead us through complex issues in wine selection. Any time one person is providing guidance to another, leadership is happening.

As a CEO I may have an overall leadership responsibility at work, but when it comes to warehouse operations, I seek the guidance—leadership—of our warehouse manager. I do the same when it comes to marketing, office operations, and our programs. I regularly depend on the guidance—leadership—of others in those areas. Depending on the situation, the junior people often lead senior people.

What about at home? Many of us lead households and lead families. We are informal leaders in our friend groups.

Citizens in America are literally the citizen-leaders of our communities, states, and nation. We elect representatives—city council, state legislators, senators, and presidents—to make day-to-day decisions, but the real leadership and responsibility for our communities and nation lie with us.

If we are good and wise citizen-leaders, then we will select good and wise people to represent us and run our government. If we select poorly, we will have poor leadership in our government roles.

Most important, whether you are a leader at work or at home or in the community, you are responsible for leading your own life. In this case, you are providing leadership guidance to yourself. I know that I should eat healthy and exercise, but do I have the self-leadership to do those things?

Photo of parents attending a parent-leadership class at Giving Children Hope

The Best Leadership is About Trust

Leadership is a relationship. There are three basic ways that you can lead others. One way is to lead using power to intimidate, manipulate, or fool others into doing what you want them to do. A second way to lead is to pay people—with money, favors, benefits, etc.—to do what you want.

Using power to lead people can get you what you want, but they are following you from fear, not trust. Your leadership is only as good as the fear you create in others.

Paying people to follow you only works as long as you pay them and they think it is worthwhile. Their commitment is to your money, not you.

The third and best way to lead is through trust. The more people trust your knowledge, that you love them, and that you get things done, the more they will trust you and follow your leadership. They will follow you not because they fear you or because you pay them, but because they love and trust you.

Leadership is About Becoming the Best Person You Can Be

Finally, your relationships—and therefore your leadership—are only as good as you are. The more people trust your knowledge, that you love them, and that you follow through, the more people will follow you. Your leadership success in the world depends directly on how well you can lead yourself to goodness.


Whether you realize it or not, you are a leader in multiple areas of your life—at work, at home, and in our communities. It is important to realize that so you can be intentional and provide the best leadership possible. You can use power or payment to get people to follow your leadership, but the best way is to become the best person you can be. People will follow you because they trust and love you.

Support Giving Children Hope Today!

We invite you to join us in our mission to give children hope for a brighter tomorrow. Your support can make a tangible difference in the lives of local children in need. A monthly donation of just $25 can provide essential nutrition to a child, breaking the cycle of need and paving the way for a more self-sufficient and successful future.

To contribute to our cause or learn more about our programs, please visit our website or reach out to us at [email protected]. Together, we can make a lasting impact on the lives of children in our community.

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Cynthia (Cindy) Cooper

President/ Founder 123 Health Access, Inc.

9 个月

Trained since birth by design of my father. I am blessed to be exactly what God says that I am. In Jesus's name. AMEN


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