Did You Know.....
Carol Makowski
Wellness and Prevention Advocate. / Helping People Transform Everyday Expenses Into a Source of Income. / Secondary Income Mentor.
$700 a month - Increase in cost of necessities from 2 years ago
78% of Americans are worried about their finances
23% increase in cost of milk
51% increase in price of eggs
53% increase in gasoline prices
Is it any wonder that people are worried about their financial stability?
88% of Americans are not metabolically healthy
80% of Americans are dealing with cardiovascular issues
Is it any wonder that people are seeing the effects of stress and worry on their health?
$173 billion -- Annual medical cost of obesity
74% 0f American adults are overweight
Is it any wonder that Americans are making poor food choices given the current emotional environment?
20% of Americans describe their mental health as fair or poor
20% of adults say they've been lonely or depressed in past year
And no wonder adults are feeling depressed and isolated.
Can the wellness store fix today's economy? No.....
But we do offer superior quality products at reasonable prices.
We do offer healthy products with excellent nutritional value.
We do provide a source of reliable, repeat, monthly income.
We work in tight-knit Teams within a supportive environment.
It is heartening to know that we do have solutions and can help!