"Every year five to ten million household poisonings are reported. Many are fatal, and most of the victims are children."
"The Consumer Product Safety Commission determined that cleaning products are some of the most dangerous substances in the home."
"More children die of accidental poisoning than are accidentally killed with guns."
"The Consumer Product Safety Commission found 150 common household chemicals that have been linked to allergies, birth defects, cancer, and psychological abnormalities."
"With regard to lung function, using household cleaners as little as once per week equates to smoking a pack of cigarettes a day."
"The EPA reports toxic chemical vapors are often up to ten times higher indoors than outdoors and can lead to cancer, organ failure, or nervous system damage."
"Sol-U-Guard Botanical Disinfectant is registered with the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for use as dillutable residential disinfectant using the active ingredients thymol and citric acid." A safer solution for your home.