Did You Know That the 3rd Leading Cause of Medical Deaths in America is from Medical Errors?

Did You Know That the 3rd Leading Cause of Medical Deaths in America is from Medical Errors?

Here are the top 3

  1. Heart Disease
  2. Cancer
  3. Medical Malpractice

Please take a look for yourself. I found 2 articles on the subject with very little effort.

The third-leading cause of death in US most doctors don’t want you to know about


I don't say this to scare you. I say this because we all need to take action now!.

I am writing this article because if there was ever a time to get our financial and medical house in order it is now.

We partner with Mark Zinder, and Mark speaks across the country delivering a program to financial professionals focused on helping them get their client's house in order.

A big part of this focus is to make sure their clients have filled out all the correct forms.

I am not going to get into the legal documents you should have filled out in this article. We can save that for another day.

Let's start with something simple.

Do you have an emergency medical card filled out or have you just overlooked it and not bothered?

What happens if something happens and you are unable to communicate your condition to a first responder or a doctor?

When using a FREE Emergency Medical Card you provide full access to your most important medical information and can significantly reduce your chance of becoming one of these statistics.

I am sure there are many places you can find a link online to fill out a medical card. Here is one I found.


As financial professionals, we are all looking to have meaningful conversations and help our clients right now. How about we focus on our clients as people first and have them start with completing an emergency medical form?

Now, if you re looking to grow your business, don't you think this might just be a great client acquisition strategy?


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