Did You Hear It Through The Grapevine?
DrFred Rouse
I Help People Enjoy Retirement Sooner without worrying about a job or a business with breakthrough Short Window Retirement Planning. Details at DrRouseNow.com
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They’re a nice, sweet treat that’s easy to carry and eat and happens to be good for you too.
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Gasoline used to be .35 cents a gallon. There were pay phones almost everywhere and you could make a call for a dime. You could mail a letter first class for .25 cents. And you were at least 30 years younger your body reminds you of that fact almost every day.
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If all those everyday things in our lives, the money needs and the change in our bodies that happened over the last 30+ years, what will the next 5, 10, or 20+ years be like?
Yes, things moved fast. And the things you were going to “get to,” like saving for your retirement didn’t exactly happen as you thought, or at all.
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Neither you nor I have a magic wand (that I know of). We can’t change what has already happened. We can’t bring back time or even stop it so we can play catch up.
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I can’t make you healthier. Those are things that you need to do. I can point you in some direction and give you some ideas on how to start.
I also can’t make you rich overnight. However, I can provide a proven pathway you so you can retire more than comfortably, and generate the cashflow you’ll need so you’ll never NEED to work into your 80s just to survive.
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Dr Fred “focused for retirement” Rouse, CFP
The REL Money Doctor