Did you Forget to use a Hashtag?
Justin Heidenreich
Talent Attraction & Pipelining l LinkedIn Optimization Expert l Empowering Job Seekers to Land Roles At Wells Fargo l Proven At Guiding Candidates Through The Application Process. Lets Connect!
In the beginning I used to use Hashtags, so much it was overkill.?As it turns out, to many can be too much.?Who knew??I certainly did not.?However, this is how we learn, someone pulls us aside an says, you can put to much of a good thing on something and ruin it.?That is how I ruined the first brisket I ever smoked, for those of you that grew up in the south making barbeque, you can add to much spice, use to much smoke, and cook it to long, I think that’s how the cooking term blackened came to be, but in my family, they just called it burned or plain inedible.
As is often discussed through different blogs or discussion boards such as in the blog on Socialpilot.co by Jimit Bagadiya wherein he discusses several social media platforms, and the average or recommended hashtag uses.?In our case for LinkedIn, the often-agreed amount is 5 or less hashtags for each posting.?Anything more will start to decrease the reach of your post.?You would think it would increase because it is still hitting each of the hashtags used, but the algorithm used by LinkedIn supposedly starts to treat your post like spam and decrease the number of impressions or eyes on your post.?Goes back to adding to much of a good thing, don’t do it.
LinkedIn provided a nice function that allows you to follow your favorite hashtags, yes it allows you to see everything that trends to that hashtag.?However, the more important and tactical function it allows you to see how many people at a glance are also following that hashtag.?As you plan to post something and you want it to spread far and wide to a relevant crowd, go to your page of hashtags.?See the relevant ones and how many people that are following them.?If none of those hashtags are the right ones to tag your posting, then do a search of hashtags you want to use and see what their numbers are to maximize your impressions.?Also, hit follow for future reference and use.
Now you are using Hashtags with intent and purpose, and you are not ruining your post like I did when cooking my brisket.?With proper use of the hashtags, you can maximize your postings and exposure in LinkedIn.?Now go forth and hashtag responsibly.
Bagadiya, J. (2022, August 16). How to use hashtags effectively in social media marketing? SocialPilot. Retrieved August 31, 2022, from https://www.socialpilot.co/blog/how-to-use-hashtags-effectively-in-social-media-marketing