Did you celebrate September 20th?
If you sell Medicare plans, did you celebrate September 20th?
It fell on a TGIF, and this TGIF was something very special.
Wait.....What? What and why would agents celebrate September 20th?
This was the day that your client data could no longer be mined, sold, or shared by your FMO / NMO without your clients expressed permission for EACH TPMO their data was being sold, shared, or given to.
For years our FMO / NMO outlets gave us access to FREE CRM's and Medicare quoting and enrollment platforms.
Those of us who read the privacy policies
All the while.....one by one.......each of us experienced what was really going on.
The client calls from CALL CENTERS owned by the FMO / NMO. Some clients even got doors knocked on. Some got their policies switched without consent. Some carriers even called our clients.
When people (like yours truly) pointed out the privacy policies (no one read) we were shouted down. Your FMO/NMO told you "that is not happening!"
Many of you listened to them and you still do.
Yet, these same FMO/NMO SUED CMS for the right to CONTINUE to mine, sell, and share your clients data entered into their FREE systems without the clients permission (or yours either BTW).
Thanks to the (hand picked) Texas (home to the largest NMO conglomerate) judge for not granting the stay order on this part of the lawsuit brought by these FMO / NMO entities your client data cannot be mine, sold, or shared without expressed permission.
What will these FMO/NMO entities do next to allow the continued sale of your clients data? Do you really believe they will just walk away from this mega profit machine? Did you realize the selling of your client data make Medicare commissions look like small change?
What will the FMO/NMO entities devise to try and get around this CMS final rule and get that permission from your clients on their information?
Once again, this AEP, you will be given a choice of what platform to use for CRM and Medicare quoting / enrollment.
We created the (agent built & serviced) Search & Save Medicare system with integrated CRM
Our privacy policy's first line states (in BOLD print) that we will never mine sell or share your client data with ANYONE EVER!
I have been in the insurance industry for 41 years now. I have twice had books of business stolen from me by my upline. It hurts and takes a ton of effort to rebuild it.
Recently, my former NMO admittedly stole one of my best preforming agencies. #3 in the nation with AARP for Med Supp sales. They were #1 for many years , if not a decade for this NMO.
We discovered the theft after an annual audit
There was no shame when I confronted the top executives about this.
They openly admitted it with shame nor any offer to make this right.
After 22 years of working with them and making them a ton of money in Medicare they just openly stole from me.
Why did I share this?
It is a real life story of our industry and gives the example of what we face as agents everyday.
This betrayal is not forgotten and will keep me promoting Search & Save for your use to protect your business
The only thing we really own in the insurance industry is our clients.
Their data is the most precious thing we need to protect.
Do not simply trust. Do not simply verify.
Make the move to actually protect your client data by using HIPPA, SOC2, and PCI compliant Search & Save.
Go to https://searchandsave.org to learn more and schedule a one on one system demonstration with me.