did world powers really legitimised taliban in afganisthan officially??

did world powers really legitimised taliban in afganisthan officially??

After the harsh withdrawal from USA in afganisthan has made the other world leaders extreamly cautious on the taliban run afganistan , The world leaders are playing a game of wait And watch for the mess the USA has made by abandoning the people of afganisthan by evacuating the bagram air base (The largest USA millitary base in afganistan)in the dead of mid night and by passing the only leverage that had against the taliban after a peace deal . for which USA had to pay the price by losing their 13 of marines in the kabul airport attack . which makes USA to play cards so carefully . Countries like INDIA, Russia,Turkey could play a key role because The future afganisthan could define the stabillity and peace in the west asia and asia regions .. and which would ensure peace in their respective countries .

Amid all these countries like China and Pakisthan have allready recognised the taliban way before the capture of kabul by taliban infact the country like pakisthan has openly shown support to the taliban and also trained them to capture by sharing the inteligence by ISI The Inter-Services Intelligence which is the premier intelligence agency of Pakistan. imagine a countries hightest intelligence agency supporting a terrorist regime like taliban to capture a country by force.BUT pakisthan's recent move suggest that pakistan has begun recognizing the taliban government officially where The Pakistan ISI cheif is in kabul exactly where the new government is being formed by taliban within the days to come.There is no surprise if Pakistan'S ISI cheif is present in the cermony to unvail the new government.. its more like a well know Terror state supporting a newly born terror state.But unlike pakistan China is in no hury but ready to recognise the taliban government . Because its a win win situation for both parties like taliban and China. Because for China, the rise of islamic terror state near to its border would lead problems back in home in its xinjiang province,china .where exactly CCP is openly carrying out their genocide against the minority muslim community . The collabration of the actvist from Uyghurs community and taliban would be nightmare for china and on the other side of the coin The Taliban would need foreign investments to run the country and a most importantly for taliban to have the regional allay to survive aginst the future treats and the country which can go against USA if needed .

so china could probally use the Same BRI project or famously know Debt Trap Diplomacy( DTD ) into the afganisthan in the name of building the nations economy and Which automatically gets more leverage against taliban. which would make the Recognistion of Taliban by China easier.

But UAE has unofficially recognised taliban governance by sending the humanitarian assistance to kabul internationall airport led by taliban and controled by the haqqani network(the deadliest terror group in taliban) .This was the First internationall flight landed in kabul airport After the taliban take over of afganistan .

But its going to be real difficulty for western powers like USA and its allies UK,Germany,France . Because Recognistion would mean its acceptance of humilliation by themself infront of the world . The people of who are going to be recognised are the same people who had been Desginated as Terriost by the worlds most powerfull defence office Pentogan USA.

So the world leaders would feel stranded in desert of Recognistion of terrorist group in the world order.but now the recognition by the world to taliban has been inevitable because of forecfull take over of kabul by taliban.It would be matter of time to how the world reacts to this?


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