Did Wolfram Invent Knowledge Base ?
artist: Vinay Mehendi

Did Wolfram Invent Knowledge Base ?

Have you heard of Wolfram Alpha ? I spent years dreaming what Wolfram Alpha could do. I dreamed (or dreamt) of building future versions of Wolfram Alpha for the world of marketing.? It is a knowledge base of quantitative data with an immense potential....built/funded by Mathematica's founder Wolfram.

Quandl is another knowledge base and a success story in the field of financial data. Most of these use cases are such that external data is brought data and insights are generated for b2c consumption. These use cases revolve around large datasets, large # of use cases, and large # of users.

On the other hand, many use cases could not see the light of the day because:

  1. ?Techniques to conduct data mining on that knowledge base were not available. LexisNexis has infinite data pulled from tons of sources but sitting in silos.?
  2. Knowledge base was not available either. For example, Norfolk Southern Railroads realized in early 2004 that baby boomers are retiring but could not do much. There was no feasible solution on the horizon.

“NOT ANYMORE. WE ARE IN A DIFFERENT ERA. ” - Vinay Mehendi ??        

Industry is rushing to build knowledge bases. IT services, Software Industry, Banking, Insurance, and Legal Industry are ahead in the game than others. “knowledge base” is mentioned more than 16K in a month.?

Data tells a story but we have to put assumptions/hypotheses sometimes. For example, my hypothesis is that the appearance of certain words in public data tell us about the maturity of the market, state of the mind of the industry. Do you agree ? if yes, give me a hi-fi.

" Appearance of certain words in public data tell us about the maturity of the market, state of the mind of the industry. "        

People are busy building knowledge bases but are not aware of hallucinations when data is mined from the corpus (think data lake). That is my understanding when I look for the word “hallucination” in the same dataset.

There could be other words with intention of hallucination. if yes, please share.

It could also be possible that hallucination is treated as an outlier and hence not mentioned in job description or an article.

Well, i have built a database of 25.05 million companies and tracking 30K technologies. Could these results be hallucinations ? Probably not because it was a deterministic query. We remove noise carefully from corpus carefully.

Having said that, what would you like us to search in this knowledge base ? Join us in researching the ocean and find insights.

                                   "Your name and insights can be here".         

We will come back with more insights tomorrow. Do you want me to convey a message to Wolfram ?



