Did we escape the Crown?

Did we escape the Crown?

Words are important. Words move people, nations, and impact history through those who make conscious choices then impart collectively for all that should be instead of what is. And so today I read the words which put the United States on the map as an authoritative and organized body of people. The story of us- etched in words and stories, chronicling our established boundaries while we exercise the right to live how we see fit.

As I'm in the business of observing behaviors, critical threats, interpreting data, finding and implementing all necessary course corrections to execute mission, I feel it prudent to discuss some of the observations and interpretations I've made while comprehending our before, during and hopeful after. Holidays are but a point of remembrance, meant to deliver necessary messages throughout our human history. Thusly- some 247 years ago today, a declaration was made.?

July 4, 1776

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John Trumbull's 1819 painting, Declaration of Independence, depicts the five-man drafting committee of the Declaration of Independence presenting their work to the Second Continental Congress *not a historical representation of events, creative interpretation only*

“When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.”

To say what is ours- is to enact its benefits and sacrifices. To say it is to do it; and we did. To show cause and effect as a practical, precedented lesson of consequence. We were once an improperly governed, abused, and opposed people under former aristocracy. Therefore, we separated ourselves from the rule of those who continued to pursue injury against us for their own gains. We all know leadership isn’t about lording, it's to be of service. Whether societally assigned or individually borne, the jeweled crown of authority is never to outweigh its responsibility. The heft, coming from its invisible requirements rather than its opulence.

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

Perhaps the most quoted segment of a hallowed document- we promptly declare our rights. Note the word declare. We are not GIVEN our human rights, rather they are inherently ours to exercise. No governing body on this planet has any authority to give a human their own boundaries. A human exists and therefore has authority. Stating such is only a poignant reminder of what governing bodies may not unduly influence.?A reminder that is necessary and will always be necessary as true in many contexts for those in positions of authority- absolute power, corrupts absolutely.

This declaration of inalienable rights does not just apply for those of us in the United States- but for all mankind. It would only require every person in the world under any thumb of oppression to enforce their inherent boundaries and authority over their own lives.?What we experienced as a result of this declaration in this country was an experiment in dissention and reconstitution towards a hopeful future. An experiment that has proven its mastery through just how many are willing to fight for it, how many have come here seeking it, how many who have died for it.

“…And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.”

Less quoted, yet a powerful concluding statement. Note the pledge we made to be kindred, protecting our own extending to those who declare they will observe their right to be. Assuming individual rights, making decisive action to serve others, share in wins, and losses- all while holding fast to honor.?Because we were an honorable people once! Now, integrity has long been corrupted through the wheels of time and positioning the self over the many. We fallible humans so often lulled into a sense of entitlement, yet forgetful of the responsibilities our authority yields. Wearing egoist crowns while forgoing our duties to those who championed us.

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The coronation of Charles VII of France (1429), detail of the painting Jeanne d'Arc (1886–1890) by Jules Eugène Lenepveu

Each year we celebrate this holiday, our Independence Day. We state we remember why, but it was not that long ago when we were being killed for speaking up against tyranny, or other punitive, life-altering actions taken against us. It wasn’t that long ago when we had patriots form collectives and ideas which served a greater population, to take the road less traveled and pledge their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor to each other.

To what end? Do you think they designed a free world so 247 years later we could be relegated to bickering on social media and in our social circles about superfluous nonsense? Did they form this new world, to let ourselves become wildly paranoid while implementing extremist thinking as normal cognitive behavior, or worse- acting on it? Do you believe these United States were created so the populous could avoid educating itself to all available degrees, and instead allowing the comfort of obtaining the bare minimum? To only give back the same? This should resonate with all. We have become a bare minimum kind of people; apathy has been allowed to lead us here. But the good news is we can revitalize our desire to observe the intent of this nation. The freedoms declared to us graciously allowed space to breathe between battles. After all, it is human to rest.

I choose to celebrate this holiday each year as a reflection point to see if I am living the life our forefathers tried to design for us all. In a way that exercises our rights to Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.?I was born here, of all places. I was born a female in the United States of America. And no matter the God-given labors I’ve been required to endure; I have been fruitful. I have pursued a fulfilled and purposeful life, unending liberties, and I stand here before you primarily happy. Yet I still have mountains of work to do-- and so do you.?

Let freedom ring the bells in your mind as a call to action. You have an unbelievable gift by being in a place that assumes your inherent truths.?In this liminal space between before, chasing that hopeful after ...

It is no longer time for rest.?

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Happy Independence Day, LinkedIn.

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#Leadership #IndependenceDay2023 #Reminder #CourseCorrection #LeadershipMatters #selfawareness

Authors Note: All authored comments, posts, articles or other public/private works are generally representative of my personal opinion or interpretations and do not necessarily reflect that of my employers, affiliates or other organizations I may support. Please review my posted content and interpret accordingly.

National Archives | Declaration of Independence

David Schneider

Husband, Father, Commercial & Humanitarian Entrepreneur. Develop & deliver solutions to “hard problems”; remote medical device R&D, rethinking broken humanitarian models. Global semi & non-permissive environment expert.

4 个月

KymPerroniFEMA, thanks for sharing!

Tom Perroni, PPS, NREMT

President / Training Director at Commonwealth Criminal Justice Academy

1 年

Great article!


