Did they use basset furniture on the Netflix series Ozark? Ozark season 4 review.

Did they use basset furniture on the Netflix series Ozark? Ozark season 4 review.

It’s the end of Ozark

Or is it now don’t worry that’s not a spoiler there’s definitely a finality to these final seven episodes but when you put your business hat on well I think it’s actually pretty clear to anyone they’re leaving the door open I’m not saying here comes Ozark season five but I think they’ve definitely laid the groundwork for Ozark to maybe return in a few years or to do some kind of spin-off show there’s more story to tell and again as I said they leave that door open a lot of character deaths though don’t worry about it you’re gonna have such a good time I would watch more

Ozark forever?as long as they kept up the quality and they have consistently throughout then tire four seasons including this extended one in fact i would argue it gets better and better this is iconic television and ozark season four part two again another seven episodes does not disappoint it is such a white knuckle edge of your seat rollercoaster ride that while i’d plan to watch over the course of three days i was gonna go two three i was like oh that’s great i’ll have a little ozark movie every night well night two i just couldn’t stop watching i stayed up finished the whole thing because it’s a fantastic binge whew and you you’re going to want to binge this a sap to avoid spoilers but i will say that each episode is so explosive and exciting that i can’t help but wonder if maybe the ozark would be would have been as popular and as discussed as an hbo an hbo show disney plus but hbo has similar content so you would think ozark would shine as brightly but it doesn’t air week to week maybe i fit aired week to week i mean it’ll trend this weekend oh it will trend but it could be something that was a weekly discussion and maybe more a part of the pop culture landscape something for the mto consider definitely you?know as


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