Did Politics influence the Scales of Justice in N.Y. during the Covid 19 Pandemic with Governor Cuomo, not our Health Commissioners calling the shots?
THE GOVERNOR and his cronies

Did Politics influence the Scales of Justice in N.Y. during the Covid 19 Pandemic with Governor Cuomo, not our Health Commissioners calling the shots?

Did Politics influence the Scales of Justice in N.Y.S. during the Covid 19 Pandemic when the Feds questioned Andrew Cuomo 's administration where Billions of dollars in Federal Funds disappeared to? NOT ENOUGH EQUIPTMENT ON HAND TO PROTECT NEW YORKERS? WHERE DID ALL THOSE FUNDS GO THAT WERE GIVEN?

Complaints were voiced at that time that MVP Health Care in New York was allegedly misappropriating public funds

" Andrew Cuomo is reportedly friends with " Chris Del Vecchio CEO of MVP Health Care

and Michael Dowling President of " Northwell Health Health Co-Chair of Cuomo's Medicaid Redesign Team II a committee he put together after receiving complaints concerning the use of public funds given to " MVP Health Care . Cuomo put together this team after he, his budget Director, Robert F. Mujica Jr. , The New York State department of Health’s Managed Care Oversight committee, The Office of the State Comptroller #ThomasPDiNapoli ( Tom DiNapoli for New York State Comptroller ) were all made aware of the following complaints- Allegations that "Privately owned" "nonprofit managed-care companies in New York State were operating using public funds not as promised in accordance with the Affordable Care Act with reports that MVP Health Care , allegedly, was often prioritizing self- profit over paying for and increasing the delivery of medical services to their members. #Publicfunds given to MVP Health Care , a Nonprofit, operating using #TaxCodeDesignation501c4 along with promises MVP Health Care made in accordance with the "Affordable Care Act, if not spent as promised are subject to Penalties. Public funds given to them are to be used "primarily" to pay for member services. Allegedly Former Governor Andrew Cuomo had not, as required, signed a contract with Publicly funded Managed Care Organizations as required so MVP Health Care allegedly informed the N.Y.S. DOH Managed Care Oversight Committee that the State therefore did not have the authority to question MVP about spending. Once this was reported to Andrew Cuomo he took corrective action and had all MCO's in the State sign contracts with him as to how these MCOs promised to spend the funds given to them. CMS oversight of Medicaid and CHIP managed care programs has been made aware of these allegations. But has " MVP Health Care and other MMCPs and nonprofits taken corrective action and made retribution if allegations anout misuse of funds by any of these organizations is true?

Complaints submitted to the above (including #AGLeticiaJames were accompanied by evidence to support allegations specifically concerning " MVP Health Care 's routine policy of falsifying documents for profit (backdating dates of PCP assignment to members). Substantial evidence to prove these allegations was submitted to the above, #documentfalsification on members of " MVP Health Care who reside in the Southern District of New York State where @AlvinBraggNYC, #ManhattanDAAlvinLBragg recently indicted former President Trump for for, amongst other things, allegations of falsification of documents for financial gain (felony offenses).

The complaints entered against " MVP Health Care might have reached the office of Attorney General #AlvinBraggNYC

or perhaps not. The Office of N.Y. S. #attorneygeneraGeneral Leticia James in Albany, is located not far from MVP's headquarters and leadership of MVP is reportedly well-connected in Albany. AG James ignored the complaints..

I'm mot sure about the significance that #NewYorkStateAGLeticiaJames never filed any criminal charges against " Andrew Cuomo after concluding Cuomo engaged in conduct constituting sexual harassment under federal and New York State law. Reportedly " MVP Health Care is well connected in Albany reports a former employee of MVP on Indeed.com as some wonder why James never charged Former Governor Cuomo with any criminal activity. Robert F. Mujica Jr. former budget director who was also questioned about how public funds were being spent has since left Albany and reportedly moved with his family to Puerto Rico. The Medicaid Redesign Team II? What was the reason that Cuomo refused to shut this team down when the Feds told him he would receive over two billion dollars to shut it down and he refused. At the same time the Feds were asking Cuomo to explain where billions (?around 6 billion was spent that he could not explain when in 2019 he submitted his budget proposal. Yet at the height of the Covid 19 Pandemic Cuomo spent a great deal of time to ensure that, even though the Feds shut it down on Cuomo, Cuomo's team, DURING THE PANDEMIC continued to appeal that decision and eventually that team with " MVP Health Care CEO " Chris Del Vecchio and others on it resumed their assignment were able to do what?


We (OUR HEALTH) are being controlled by BIG BUSISNESS and THE BUCK SHOUD STOP RIGHT THERE! When it comes to our health we shouldn't care how many connections these Large Billion Dollar Healthcare Corporations have in high places. They've forgotten that $ means nothing if we don't protect our most valuable asset- OUR HEALTH. It's time we all speak up!

All that is written here is just my opinion, not intended to be interpreted as fact and not intended to be interpreted as fiction as well.

In addition, " MVP Health Care requested a Ruling from New York State Supreme Court that they be allowed to refuse to comply with HIPPA Rules. One can only imagine how well-connected MVP health plan believed themselves to believe that the State’s Supreme Court Judge would grant them permission to continue to Conduct business with blatant disregard for strict healthcare regulations. Politics does not always influence Justice.


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