Did I tell you yet today how much I love you? ( just the way you are)

Did I tell you yet today how much I love you? ( just the way you are)

Day 7 of my #blog365

In truth my second blog today, but who's paying that much close attention anyway hey?

I was wondering what else I could write about today when a lovely lady Lois Unwin posted in our Women in rural enterprise Nottinghamshire networking group on facebook ( if you're a women in business in the Notts, lincs, Leics area do feel free to join) and then I pulled the "Love your body" card from "The answer is simple" oracle deck. So if I needed any sign of what to write, it was pretty obvious from there on in.

Lois is drumming up momentum to screen "Embrace" a documentary made by Taryn Brumfitt In Newark on the 6th February . In order to screen it locally she needs a minimum of 58 people ( why not book your ticket?)

I urge you to take a moment to watch the trailer to this groundbreaking and powerful film.

Now this isn't the first time that I've covered this topic on my blog, see "Beauty comes in all shapes and sizes" ( back in 2010) or my interview with Catherine Delves (in 2014).

It is something I feel very passionate about. Beauty really does come in all shapes and sizes. Blimey in some cultures if you're skinny it's considered unattractive, if you don't have a long neck then you're not marriage material... I could go on...

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, it shines from the inside. Which reminds me of a series I've been following recently " The real marigold hotel"

I was so moved when Miriam Margolyes, who stars in this fly on the wall type escapade , said how people have told her she's the ugliest woman on television (I've paraphrased here) But Miriam said she didn't take any notice, because she believed she is beautiful. Good for you Miriam, you are absolutely beautiful ( Trumps and all... you'll understand if you're following the show)

What a limited view of beauty we have in our society.

I have to say, I can't wait to see this film, its such an important message for women everywhere.

I wonder just what we are teaching our young women, We're feeding our children with the endless wall to wall images of unobtainable and unrealistic images splattered across billboards, on TV and in magazines.

It may or may not surpise you to realise that these images simply aren't even real, they're in many cases not even the models real image, just a production of Photoshop.

That coupled with the increasing pressures on young women and teenage girls through social media the 24 hour, 7 day a week, 365 days a year constant from this medium to be something that is completely fiction, is unrelenting. That's without mention of the sexualisation of girls at a younger and younger age and young boys having free access to material of an XXX adult nature at the touch of a button on their phones,all leads to an increasing time bomb of disaster that is unprecedented.

Sorry, I'm getting all very serious here I know.... it is a serious concern. I'm a mother and a step mother, I'm a perimenopausal women, who's marrying in the Summer for the second time. Do I feel the pressure.... In all honesty, damn right I do!

I do want to look beautiful (whatever that is?) and I don't think there's anything wrong with wanting to feel good in yourself by the way... I'm not a burn your bra, wear no make-up, go-grey hair is best kinda gal.... although there's absolutely nothing wrong with that either. I love pretty things, getting on some lippy and dressing up like a princess ... of course I do. But at the tender age of 49 on the 21st of this month I am becoming increasingly aware of the effects of nature.

I'm proud of my laughter lines.... they're testament to the joy I've had in my life. I'm less enamoured by the midlife acne breakouts as my hormones go wild and the once perky(ish) boobs that need more and more upholstery to keep things up North. But all in all I'm happy with me.

What I hope is that society will catch up, that more people will view this film,and that beauty will be appreciated ( even when it's not pretty to coin a phrase from one of my favourite poems and books)

It really is time to stand up against the media pressure, the stereotyping and the unrealistic expectations and to see the beauty.... the real beauty that resides in each and every one of us.

So why not come along on the 6th February in Newark, or look out for opportunities to host a viewing in your area. This I feel could just be the film to make the difference.

Until next time,

Make every moment count,

Lisa x



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