Did I mention this?

Did I mention this?

I have a lot of emails about how I'm doing this 30 days of Offers. And I thought about turning it into a workshop or a course, or something else.

But what I've actually decided to do it record an audio and send it to everyone who picked up an offer this November. It will be ready early January (I hope) and come with an offer planner.

I was looking through my notes earlier, and the progress report emails that I've sent, and there's quite a few gems from what tools are working for me to how I picked products to... Well, you'll just have to wait until the recording is ready.

This leads me into something I'm often asked - how do you get so much done.

This is no secret - I use hypnotherapy - it's brilliant at removing anything you're stuck on. This of course assumes you know what's blocking you. If you do, you can fix it for a tenner in 30 minutes a day.

Another thing that ensures I'm productive is setting the right goals.


I spent a LOT of time working this out. I'm fortunate, because I've worked with some spectacular organisations in the past that have sent me to train with some amazing people. And I've also worked with a LOT of individuals that haven't a clue about setting goals, and here's the tough part achieving them.

For some reason or other I've always been good at achieving goals. It's because I'm great at lateral or divergent thinking.

I'm working on site with a client at the moment a few days a week, and the client's senior management team are fascinated by me. I'm sure if they could legally look into my brain they would... And for them the next best thing is having me there in person.

They simply love being around someone who enjoys achieving things.

Now I can't promise that if you pick up Get Set Goal it will run up your arm and lodge at the base of your brain and do everything for you, what I can say is if traditional goal setting don't work for you then you'll love how I blend things so you can set and achieve your goals.



Sarah x

P.S. - Thank you for reading and helping me out of my comfort zone


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