Social Media Automation Tools
It's happened a few times now, I get asked this question:
" How did you just publish an article on Linkedin?"
In the context of my full-time role being within a Finance company, it is a fair question to be asked at work. Unfortunately, I don't have a clone that can publish my articles while I'm in a meeting or away from a computer. My answer is usually along these lines:
"Yes - that article was written a few weeks ago and scheduled to automatically go out at the best time"
I am always glad to hear that question though, It tells me my content went out at the best time. Especially when the question comes from those that are on LinkedIn at that time of day... you don't want your content going out when no-one is there to read it.
It makes sense to use powerful social media tools to save time and manage multiple social networks. It demonstrates your ability to manage your time effectively and get the right exposure levels.
I would encourage you to make the best use of your time, don't be afraid to use software or tools that can make your life more productive.
Having been a Hootsuite Ambassador, I have tried and tested a lot of the posting options available. It is important not to automate everything as you lose personability with your audience.
It's a fine balancing act, but master it and you will always be on top.
This was not an automated post :-)
Zulf Ali -