Did Fannie/Freddie turn you down?
Marc Noddle
Senior Account Executive - Providing Non-Prime financial solutions for my broker partners 20 years and counting
The end of the month is here and you now have a clear picture of which files are NOT getting funded by the banks. Your borrowers are freaking out about not being able to secure financing, and your boss is on your back about the time spent wasted on a file that couldn't make it to closing.
*** UP TO 80% LTV NOW ON O/O SUBPRIME PURCHASES and 75% on N/O/O!!! ***
Get your Fannie fallout submitted today! Come direct to America’s largest Alternative PORTFOLIO lender:
Available in: CA, AZ, OR, ID, CO, UT & TX*
*loans in TX must be n/o/o unless it’s a purchase
Deal with a true direct wholesale lender...we do not broker your deals to private investors nor do we rely on private investors to fund your loans. We are the lender! Athas Capital is a one stop shop where all funds, decisions and processes are in-house.
This is a perfect product for your "almost A-paper" borrowers that can't go conventional for whatever reason it may be. Foreclosure less than 3 years ago; self-employed; need a quick closing...
Email me for more info, a rate sheet and guidelines...
Marc Noddle
Senior Account Executive
Individual NMLS #290322
Athas Capital Group DBO #603 F869
All Loans made in compliance with Federal, State and local laws.
877.877.1477 ext 206 Office
818-259-1259 Cell
818-647-0175 Fax
26901 Agoura Rd. #250
Calabasas Hills, CA 91301