DID in Collaboration with IEPA Inducts 14 New Interns
Department of Infrastructure Development (DID)
The trusted provider of integrated and SMART public infrastructure and property management solutions in Gauteng
The Department of Infrastructure Development (DID) recently inducted 14 new Interns as part of a collaboration with the Institute of Energy Professionals Africa (IEPA). This induction follows the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the DID and IEPA to offer work integrated learning to EPC learners as a prerequisite to successfully complete the Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) Pogramme.
The Chief Director, IRPS, Luxolo Lengs welcomed the Interns and briefed them on the purpose of the programme, while the Chief Engineer, Mluleki Hlatshwayo and Environmental Control Officer, Ngcebo Nsimbini shared information on the successful energy efficiency projects implemented by the DID.
The Department of Infrastructure Development (DID) , as the custodian of all immovable properties owned by the Gauteng Provincial Government (GPG), is mandated to display the energy performance certificates across its facilities in line with the National Energy Act 1998 and regulations from the Department of Mineral Resources and Energy (DMRE). According to the Director, Human Resource Development (HRD), Harry Lai Wai, “The DID looks forward to having the Interns for a period of twelve months as they will assist with the measuring of building's energy performance”.
The Interns will be placed in the Chief Directorate, Infrastructure Research, Planning and Systems (IRPS). During the induction, the Deputy Director: Labour Relations, Lekala Modisane familiarised the Interns with the Code of Conduct to guide their behaviour in the workplace while placed within the Department.
The EPC Programme will play a vital role in enhancing energy efficiency, cutting carbon emissions and advancing sustainability in the built environment. Building owners and occupants will be informed about their energy consumption, enabling them to identify areas for improvement and decrease their carbon footprint.
The Department of Infrastructure Development (DID) is actively implementing a strategy to issue EPC certificates for identified buildings in line with compliance deadlines set by the Department of Mineral Resources and Energy.