Did AI Write Your Resume?

Did AI Write Your Resume?

AI tools can be useful for creating various documents, recruiting, preparing for interviews, and more. However, for resumes, things can get a little tricky.

Most of my colleagues, clients and readers know I’m on the recruiting side too, since after all, I have to recruit my teams, and I assist staffing and executive search firms so I must stay up-to-date on the latest. According to Nelson Connects, Michael Page and Enrito recruiters, in addition to what I have seen when reviewing resumes, AI is getting smarter so recruiters are learning how to detect AI-written resumes, cover letters and more with new AI screening tools like Copyleaks and Sapling AI Detector.

If you used AI to assist you with your resume or other career marketing documents, and although it looks great, you’re having problems getting “quality” interviews or making it to the next round, here are some potential reasons and things to watch out for.

  1. AI added key attributes and accomplishments you cannot speak to.
  2. The language on your resume is almost identical to the job posting you’re applying to. You should be able to target your resume without making it a replica of the ad.
  3. There are cliché descriptions that you often see with online resume samples. For example, dynamic, self-motivated, proven, strategic this or that.
  4. Generic language that could apply to any job seeker in a similar field such as: Possessing strong analytical and problem-solving skills. I will also add: written and verbal communication skills.
  5. The entire tone of the resume or cover letter differs from your communication during an interview. In other words, neither document is actually in “your” voice.
  6. It’s entirely different from your LinkedIn or other social media profiles. Perhaps you haven’t updated your profile yet, but once again, the language on the resume may not mirror any of the language on your profiles.
  7. You were required to submit additional information to support your skills and accomplishments (think PowerPoint presentation or SWOT Analysis), and you weren’t able to.
  8. During the first interview, you’re confused by a question that should be easy to answer since it’s related to something mentioned on your resume.
  9. You have career accomplishments that go beyond the job description requirements. More so than the preferred requirements.
  10. Inconsistencies in fonts, spacing, bullet points, or other formatting errors.
  11. Awkward phrases and unnatural language patterns. A resume written by a human should flow smoothly and make sense.
  12. And this final one from SHRM, if a recruiter asks if you used AI to write your resume and you lie. They’re more interested in seeing if you are honest.

So, if you choose AI to write your resume or other documents, learn “how” to use it, and go back through your document with a fine-tooth comb.

Several clients have told me, that one of the first things a recruiter or hiring manager said after we completed their resume is “I can tell AI DID NOT write this. Trust me they know. ??

Questions? Connect with me anytime. Meanwhile good luck in your job search!

By the way, I used Grammarly to proofread this article. Although I used most suggestions, I did not use the serial comma as recommended.


