Dictatorship in Pakistan?
1958–1969 Ayub Khan
1969–1971 Yahya Khan
1977–1988 Zia ul Haq
1999–2008 Parvez Musharraf
What do you think about the Democracy of Pakistan?
Well, It’s started with the partition of Pakistan into two Pieces East Pakistan Later called Pakistan and West Pakistan Later Called Bangladesh.
It all started back in 1965 after the war against India.
The General Elections have held the Elections were totally rigged by the one only Ayub Khan where Fatimah Jinnah get the Victory but the House was taken by the Ayub khan.
During his regime, the Sheik Mujbur Rehman and Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto were against him.
He has opened a case against them and was jailed for being against him.
After resigning from the seat of President in 1969 He again appointed the Yahya Khan Another Dictator.
Yahya Khan and Zulfiqar were against the west Pakistan Leader Sheik Mujbur Rehman Who was with the Founding Members of Pakistan (Fatimah Jinnah and Muhammad Ali Jinnah).
The National Assembly was initially not inaugurated as President Yahya Khan and the PPP chairman Zulfikar Ali Bhutto did not want a party from East Pakistan in the federal government. Instead, Yahya appointed the veteran Bengali politician Nurul Amin as Prime Minister, asking him to reach a compromise between the PPP and Awami League. However, this move failed as the delay in inauguration had already caused significant unrest in East Pakistan. The situation deteriorated further when a genocidal crackdown occurred under the orders of Yahya resulting in a civil war that led to the formation of the independent state of Bangladesh. The Assembly was eventually inaugurated in 1972 after Yahya resigned and handed power to Zulfikar Ali Bhutto. Bhutto became Prime Minister in 1973 after the post was recreated by a new constitution.
So what do you think that Bhutto Was Elected by Democracy?
I would say no as he was also Plotted by the Dictator Yahya Khan.
Bhutto was replaced by another dictator Zia ul Haq in 1977 after that he opened a trial against him and sentenced him to death after that he also died in Air Crash in 1988(What you give you will get it back).
Fast Forwarding the Benazir and Nawaz sharif Shared Governments from 1988-1999.
I would say one more thing here Nawaz Sharif is also trained by a dictator Zia.
In 1999 another Dictator Came into Existence Parvez Musharraf who for almost 9 years.
Then Zardari, Nawaz Sharif and Imran Khan all were brought to power by the so-called Pro-Military Pakistan Establishment (AKA Pakistan Army).
Until Now We are waiting for real Democracy in Pakistan. We should Learn Something from Our Past that how East Pakistan fought against the Pro Establishment Regime in 1971 and Ended it.
Inshallah, We will Rise from the Ashes.
Pakistan Zindabad!!!