Dr. LemueL King MBA/MS/IT(LTU)/BBA(UL)/Certif ICT/IT WFP.
The above illustration shows a contradiction of a good leadership style. When the leadership is run on the head of the people it is an abuse of leadership power. A leader who walked over the heads of the subordinate is a dilatator. it shows an organization of dictatorship. A leader is a servant not a ruler who stepped on the head of their subordination in order get a work done. But many leaders today believe they are more concern about origination tasks more the people they lead. Every goal and objective of leadership is important. But every person needed to carry out those goals and objective are more important. Reason is if there were no people in leadership there will never be any task done. As leadership goals and objective are to be taken very important. The people needed to do the job mist be take more important.
Using the head of the people to get to the top of leadership in no leadership management. However, many leaders today are exercising such style of leadership, to carry out their goals and objective of leadership. That is not leadership, it is dictatorship.
This book or articles was Written by: Dr. Lemuel B. King.
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