Dr. LemueL King MBA/MS/IT(LTU)/BBA(UL)/Certif ICT/IT WFP.
What is dictatorship?
Dictatorship is the abuse and misused of power and authority against the Weaks, in leadership. It is Authoritarianism or Totalitarianism in leadership. A dictator is not a leader but an abuser. The problem of dictatorship is one of the greatest, problem faced today in leadership. Many dictators, have no education of leadership. The advantage an educated leader has from a dictator is that they are education in the problem that could make them a dictator.
The factors which are contribute to dictatorship.
Power struggle and lack of education or qualification. Power struggle is the main factors which make a person a dictator. In many areas of leader, people fight for power. The most are the unqualified. The unqualified believe the best way to get power is to fight for it. They lie, create retraces and discrimination.
Lock of Education.
When people do not have the education of leadership, they fine the easiest way to get into power. They will not follow the process, which take a person into leadership. They will not follow the goals and objectives of leadership. Meaning the requirements which could make a person a better leader. They rather fight for power. Harm others and do everything to get into such leadership.
The leadership system today.
Most of the leader today have dictatorship within the system. The leadership is taken over by people who care less about the value of leadership. Most believe, stilling in a company for 10 years make them a leader. Such perspective and concepts of people have is causing the world a major problem today.
For example, in the many countries around the world, leaders believe that subordinate cannot express themselves. they consider, it is an act of rudeness and disrespect. Leader would take actions against their subordinates or worker for foolish reasons. Most acted in a disrespectful way to their workers. Power abuse is the most common abuse in dictatorship.
The culture of violence
In a system of dictatorship. Violence can become a culture. Most developed countries are seen to have the culture of violence in their system of leadership. There are many other factors which can contribute to a system of the dictatory culture.
A dictatory Culture.
A dictatory culture is where a group of people acts as a dictator. Some of the factor's cause are group affiliations, tribalism, political culture and religion and more. Seeking the interest in these factors can cause the person or group to create a culture of dictatorship. in such system, leadership is highly with the abusive. The is a high abuse of power.
Leadership is not a called for power abuser. A leader is employed to work with others, in the most professional skill and knowledge. in order to make the world place better. Leadership should be like a family
Walking on the heads of other to get into leadership.
Dictatorship is like slavery, and a leader who is a dictator is a slave master. They take power over the control of workers. Their worker or subordinate are unable to contribute to the leadership goals and objectives, because of the leader behaviors. Some most command behavior of a dictators are as follow:
Leadership abuse had globalized
Leadership abuse had entered globalization. It is all over the world. In most case it is carry out by a dictator or dictators. There are areas in leadership which dictatorship area seem more often.
Dictatorships is a scarious in the world of leadership. Many of these areas are consider professional area. with law and values. However, there are many people who had made leadership a place of abuse, violence, discrimination, and disrespect. That is not leadership, it is dictatorship.
Dictator had led to many different forms of discriminations.
This book was Written by: Dr. Lemuel B. King.
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