The Dictator Syndrome and The End Time Leader Transformation Effect
Kenneth Golden
Author / Researcher /Artificial Intelligence/Discovering Reciprocity Newsletter
When change comes to a regime or country, it does not happen overnight, but it is enacted methodically and step by step. There is usually a master plan as to what direction the manipulator will steer the population. This master plan is always suppressed and known only to a few of the potential dictator's closest aides.
The potential dictator usually admires those established leaders who exhibit dictatorial control over their subjects and country. Even though the potential dictator may not see themselves as such; they tend to automatically implement executive orders, influence legislation, and systematically dismantle established laws and traditional ways of doing things under the guise of being a democracy.
As a rule, they operate through the eyes of an alternate reality fabricator who embraces the doctrine of "Good Is Bad and Bad Is Good". They usually have a core group of followers who operate on their same wavelength who believe everything that comes out of their mouth.
These flowers will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths formulated by the would-be dictator.
Today's would-be dictator has for the most part, evolved away from old tradition heavy handed population control, even though many still utilize these tactics. Today's would-be dictators utilize new methodologies like social media, fake deceptive news, and population misdirection combined with subliminal brainwashing.
The recent memory of the Arab riots, the Ukrainian Russian instigated unrest, and most notable for North Americans, the Presidential election of 2016, all have had profound strains of what is now referred to as “fake news.” Their is now the ability to reach broad audiences through social media platforms which have been weaponized for one entity or another.
As this new climate has come to the forefront of our news cycles and political party talking points, this climate symbolizes how the new breed would-be dictator operates in real time.
Shifting from a society of open flowing ideas between diverse groups into one that is notably marked by sectionalism, nationalism, or tribalism, has come at a cost. The high cost that a vast section of society has paid has been a loss of their basic decency.
Conversations between family, friends, and close friends can become a landmine field of triggering content that quickly devolves into unprovoked attacks.
What a better way for the would-be dictator to divide than to let who we voted for or what opinion we hold on a minor topic separate us from what are good ideas and not bad ideas.
It becomes increasingly difficult to have debates about critical issues of logical evidence, beliefs, or interpretations of truth when there appear to be shifting sands on what constitutes truth. “When our core beliefs testify as to what is the truth, that ideal is to stand forever as the truth…. Men/Women will arise with interpretations of truth which are to them the truth, but which are not the real truth. The truth for this time is what Our Creator has given us as a foundation for our faith.
As the availability of more “knowledge has increased,” the ability of lies and rumors to be spread has increased as well. The work that individuals must put into researching and finding out truth among all the garbage has also increased because of the ability of individuals to create content and share that content, true or not, on social media.
Yes, today's would-be dictator explores every new avenue of deception, misdirection, fabrication, and mind control that the dark side of life reveals to them.
Now the actions and behaviors which are being played out today were prophesied thousands of years ago by both major and minor profits. Keep in mind that there is nothing new under the sun; The old stuff simply shape-shifts and take on different forms of subterfuge.
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