Dictator Boss
Jason Dzamba
Time Management Expert | Helping Professionals Focus, Save Time, and Reach Your Big Goals | Author
Have you had a dictator boss who made your job hell? CEOs who are dictators (even if passive ones) who treat their best talent like a number will lose. Lots of CEOs talk about their mission, but it's money-talk wrapped in a bow.
Your mission has to be more than making money. Revenue is essential, but if there is a conflict between passion, mission, and values...
Your top performers won't stick around to build your company. Eventually, they will pack their bags.
When you catch yourself putting your needs and EGO first—Remember: Your team is the one that will make your vision a reality. Top performers are the oil. They keep the machine moving in the right direction.
Thinking a toxic workplace will change, and the "stability" myth hit hard. It's so easy to stay in a job that pays you decently. You'll rationalize it and say that this is just how it is. You may even think of leaving but find yourself tied to the comfort of a nice salary and benefits.
You think that you have more time than you really do. The company that you didn't like could fold. Even if you were contemplating an exit, when things are comfortable, you don't take an exit seriously until you're forced into it.
You can create a better situation with a company that appreciates you or create your own opportunity. Both are difficult. Which would you rather fight for? You will never regret replacing temporary discomfort, like lack of money or status, with wins that will serve you forever.
It's better to build your own thing, solve your own problems, and continue to challenge yourself on your terms.
In the end, what you sacrifice is your call to arms and legacy.
You are both an introvert and an extrovert. It's a grey mixture that depends on context. There are times to speak up and times to listen. The best leaders understand when to do both.
Manage your little corner of reality as best as you can:
If you do that, then it will inspire the next person to do the same.
Give first:
Write that recommendation, go on that lunch, review that email, and give a ride to the airport. Do the things you say you will do for others. Do it first. What can you do in a day? Make that your focus. Do everything you can do in a reasonable timeframe.
Having a process is your superpower to face uncertainty. But don't let the clock become a weight that eats your self-worth. When you get home? Hug your family. Be silly. Make time for fun.
Self-doubt means that you're called to do something big. Don't run away from it. Go after it. Even though it's scary, face it head-on.
Ride the beast for as long as you can.
If you fall off, get back on.
This month I'm helping 5 people win back 10 hours per week. Interested? Send me a DM with TEN. If your curious, reach out. I'll be happy to answer your questions.
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