Dickensian Times
My few words in the print edition of The Herald Express...Housework is getting the better of me. When I glance at a dusty mirror, my image seems suddenly Dickensian.
Why Dickensian? Well, I have always been fascinated by Miss Haversham in Great Expectations. She lived alone and was surrounded by cobwebs and dust.
I’m not bothered by cobwebs and actually quite like spiders; but the dust is getting to me and this morning I found myself dusting and wielding the vacuum cleaner with serious intent!
Much of my household dust comes from my trusty open fire in the lounge. My fuel is a mixture of smoke-free coal and assorted logs from a variety of sources. Foraging for wood is within my gift, but digging up my own coal is a step too far.
I do have central heating, but have become increasingly anxious when I hear the system working hard against the cold north-east wind.
I’m anxious because the thought of my next energy bill is already making me shiver. There is the other worry about using fossil fuels, but I need to stay warm. Hmmm.
A while ago I laughed at the BBC Have I Got News For You opening cartoon-style sequence, depicting a character wearing a Cossack-style hat turning off the gas pipeline. The result depicted was, of course, lights going out all over Europe.
I’m not laughing now as we find ourselves at the mercy of those who control gas supply. It’s all very well being told by leading political figures to wear warm clothing and retreat to a heated room, but when that winter north-east wind blows in from the sea it cuts to the core.
My little burst of dusting and polishing this morning has warmed me up and I feel a happier bunny because of it. It’s also given me an appetite, which immediately highlights another worry.
As I do my own shopping these days, I am very aware of soaring prices in the shops. My late wife did all that stuff and, sadly, I paid little attention. She was also a keen gardener and so harvesting produce reduced the shopping bill.
I’m not a gardener. My planting attempts had vegetables coming up roots first! I am, however, quite observant and have noticed creeping price rises.
I wonder how long it will be before I start cooking over my open fire, rather than turning on the gas cooker? I remember my paternal grandmother cooking in her ancient kitchen using a stove that had an open fire!
By the way, if you have an open fire, don’t forget to get a certificate from your chimney cleaner to say that it has been swept professionally. Not having a chimney properly cleaned may impact on any insurance claim.
My chimney sweep told me that he is so busy as people seek alternatives in keeping warm. He cleaned mine on a Sunday and said that he has never been so busy; apparently people are now opening long-closed fire places!
Keeping to my Dickensian theme I am conjuring up an image of a small child shinning up sooty chimneys. Waiting for Santa to shake the soot loose probably isn’t a good idea.?
Meanwhile, we all journey on doing our best to keep the smile.