If you haven't had the priviledge of seeing Dick Oslund perform, you may know him from MODERN COIN MAGIC, or KID STUFF V, or ABRAKFOX, but now Dick has his own book, entitled DICK OSLUND: ROAD SCHOLAR.
This new 400 page book is packed full of great, relevant information about performing on the road as a Professional Magician, including Dick's favorite, time-tested Magic routines, practical advice and tips on performing and ENTERTAINING as a Magician, Dick's anecdotes about his wonderful life on the road, and much, much more.
In fact, DICK OSLUND: ROAD SCHOLAR contains more practical advice for Magicians and tips more of the "REAL WORK" than any other book on Magic ever published!
And the best is, Dick will be at Abbott's Magic Company's 78th Get-Together for a VERY special book signing opportunity in the dealers room on Saturday, August 8th at Noon.
Come meet the Magician who has performed more LIVE MAGIC for MORE PEOPLE IN THE UNITED STATES than ANY OTHER MAGICIAN IN HISTORY!