Dibs on Passing your Clinical Psychology Interview (Malaysia Edition)

Dibs on Passing your Clinical Psychology Interview (Malaysia Edition)

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When was it again?

Well, it’s over for the current 2020/2021 academic year. Most programs have their interviews between June to early August each year, with this year happening slightly later because of the…well you know, COVID-19. One or two programs from private universities have their interview twice a year and are kind enough to hold places for selected promising candidates. So, if you’re reading this article and have not heard back from places you’ve applied, next year is the key *wink. And since you’re here, I present to you…the Infinity Gauntlet to passing your interviews!?

Normal vs Abnormal Symptoms

Sweaty armpits, wobbly legs, heartbeats as loud as waterfalls, sudden attacks of incoherent words, plummeting self-esteem, pessimism, short tempers with loved ones unfortunate enough to be hanging around…as dreadful as they sound, it is normal (repeat after me, N-O-R-M-A-L) to feel or behave in this manner. If you’re wondering if it is decent to act as such, no it’s not. But who cares about decency when your entire future hangs on the passing or failure of this interview…shush, that’s the pessimism talking.?

Now if you’re finding yourself losing track of time, harboring thoughts about being better off dead, and/or having uncontrollable bouts of crying, do us all a favor and seek professional help from one of those that you hope to become one day. It’s not gonna work if you force yourself through the interview in such a state. The world is sadly, heartless and demanding at the same time.?

Without further ado, let’s look at the six Infinity stones.?

#1 Quantity over quality (the Reality Stone)

Attend as many interviews as you possibly can to prepare yourself for the interview that you care about. Isn’t this a brilliant suggestion? Yala yala yala, I hear that you prefer UKM over UCSI, or HELP over USM. Whichever order of preference you have, the rule of “practice till it’s perfect” applies. If you desensitize yourself to the mind-blowing stress and mind-numbing questions asked by the interview panels, it’s a for-sure strategy to say that you’ll be collected and cool when the time comes for that interview that matters.?

Interviewers look intimidating? No more than that last interview when one suddenly snapped at you to keep to time. Interviewers call you out for some flaw they perceive from your degree? Oh well, better than the last session when they insinuated that you were a liar. We’ve got our armor on, baby! (I mean, respectfully,?sir?didn’t mean to call you baby)

#2 Belts buckled, shoes shined (the Space and Time Stones)

This year things got a little tricky. Some programs opted for video conferencing to abide to the SOPs for the RMCO* period. So luckily for all interviewees, you get to hide from the privacy of your home! But unfortunately, it also means that you need to have your preparations up a few notches.?

#3 Go major Einstein (the Mind Stone)

#4 Plain Jane is fine (the Soul Stone)

#5 Fire in the Hole (the Power Stone)

Read the rest of the article here!



