Diary of a business owner

Diary of a business owner

After having a battle with myself for months about how unworthy my stories really are and scouring the interwebs for motivational content from speakers like Gary Vee, Alex Hermozi, Jordan Peterson, and Tom Bilyeu I have finally decided to write a journal titled "Diary of a business owner". I want to use these articles to reflect on my past mistakes, focus on my present moment, and have a bird' eye view of the future.

This might spark some discussions, enrage some people and maybe a few of you will appreciate it for what it is. A vision and belief that everyone learns from one another. You can view or interact with this article as you wish but please keep in mind that you are, have been, or will be in my shoes at some point during your journey and I would love to have this article lift you up and maybe realize how worthy you are and that you can create your own success story.

Let's get straight to the point with a first lesson I have learned in the past 20 years of my life:

Lesson #1 - You owe nothing to your younger self but your present self deserves more than what you are offering it right now.

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I had so many opportunities that I didn't take advantage of. I have wasted so much time on useless interactions and deliberately made small and pointless issues seem like huge problems. Not having the latest phone and not going on that dream vacation in Bali was a major problem for me because I always compared myself with others in the wrong way. - If this sounds like something you did or are doing, you need to retrace your steps and learn from what you did in your past and improve your present self. Dwelling on your past never does you any good but what you could do instead is write down all of your past mistakes and look at them from a bird's eye view. Analyze, excite yourself and take action.

  • I am working a job that I don't feel any accomplishment from and every time my head hits the pillow I can't wait for the weekend to relax.
  • This is a big one that a lot of us will feel at some point in our lives. Usually, when the weekend comes we feel so mentally tired and drained that we look forward to nothing else than just vegetating in bed with our cat or drinking a beer, having a toasty pizza, and watching some new recommended flick on Netflix. When Monday comes back 'round you feel that you wasted your weekend energy pointlessly. Tuesday you start saying that you will definitely do something productive next weekend. Wednesday you start feeling tired and stressed again. Thursday you remember how good that pizza was and how that movie made you laugh. Friday you start creating excuses and remember that you only live once and might as well enjoy it. This might be a bit hard for some but you will definitely need to get out of this one with some good old fashion discipline.

"Action breeds more clarity than thought, so you can't think your way into a new life, you have to act your way into one."

Here is what I would do now after going through a period like this as well. And I would like to specify that this might sound tiring, boring and even very unenjoyable at the beginning for most of you. That's because our brain seeks comfort and when you are not offering it, it will lash back at you with negative thoughts.

Before I go into what I would do, here are some negative thoughts that might appear:

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  • You're wasting your time doing this instead of relaxing.
  • No one appreciates my effort, why should I continue.
  • Everyone else is enjoying their time relaxing, I should do the same.
  • I see no short-term benefit and doing this for a very long time seems tiring, opening up a beer right now sounds really good.
  • This is too hard and too draining I can't continue to not enjoy my weekend. I will feel tired during the week.
  • My friends keep telling me that what I am doing is pointless. Maybe I should listen and take a break.

Before starting on the right foot I remind myself every day that any process takes time and that I will not get to reap the fruit of my labor now, but one day I will start enjoying working on myself. I take out all of the negative and unsporting remarks that others around me make and it makes me happy to realize that when people try to bring me down it's because they feel uncomfortable with how I use my time to better myself. Some might feel inferior or feel that they might lose you as a friend when you become better than them. You either have to reassure them that you will always be there even if you become successful and all they need to do is support you and your vision or you will need to start looking for other friends that will spark your fire and keep your flame alive.

Now my friend is when you take action:

  • Wake up early and I mean wake up like your life depends on it. Open your eyes and start counting to 3. One..two.. and before you even spell out the number three be out of bed with your toothbrush in hand.
  • Look in the mirror and smile! YES, this is important, smile! Take a good look at yourself and think positive thoughts, out loud if you can. Even if you get a bunch of toothpaste on the mirror it will just make you laugh.
  • Go to a comfortable part of your house and meditate. Think about nothing, this one is going to be hard because your mind will be racing. But use this time to focus on your breathing and nothing else. This will calm your mind and leave you with nothing but focus!
  • Put on some happy tunes, go in the kitchen and cook like Gordon Ramsay! Keep it healthy and light with good quality sources of protein carbs and fats. Omelet with a few veggies and two slices of toast sound very nice right now.
  • Grab your cup of joe and go read a book, listen to a productive or motivational podcast to fire you up, maybe even give you a few ideas throughout the day. STAY FOCUSED! Don't interact with social media, and if you do, use it to your advantage. Post something productive, share your opinion get close to your community, and put it down, comments and likes don't matter right now.
  • Get up and go to the gym, if you haven't up until now, this would be a great time to sign up for a membership. Go in like you own the place! Start with some cardio, do some lifting, play around with the weights. Even if you don't know how to interact with the equipment just get acquainted with it. Trust me your body says everything about you. Once you take care of it, it will take care of you. Not only will you feel different but people will view you differently, you will get new opportunities and compliments, and once you keep at it for 2-3 months, if you stop you will miss it, trust me. It will become part of you!

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(Small Plug: I do own a company called VIMfit which offers you the possibility to train with a personal trainer online from anywhere you are. Your grandma's house, in the park, or the gym. I created this company with motivation in mind so that you now have no excuses. We also offer personalized meal plans in collaboration with a super nutrition coach.)

You don't have to buy anything from me and I'm not trying to sell you anything and if you are trying to get on track with your health, just message me "I want to become healthy" nothing more. I'll get on a call with you and try my best to help you out or guide you for free.

  • At this point, you should feel happy that you have had a very productive half of the day. Don't stop now, you're on the right track. If you find yourself not having anything in the fridge to eat, go look inside and write down a list of some healthy foods you need for the week. Go out for a walk and find a good healthy place to replace your lunch with something healthy and colorful. Enjoy it and once you're done go out and buy the food you wrote down on your list. Never go grocery shopping hungry! Come back home, wash it and organize it. It will make it easier to cook it in the next few days.
  • Start meal planning - This is a big one! Throw out all the junk you have in your house and any food you eat when you're stressing out, chips, chocolate, muffins, or any comfort food. Trust me it does not do you any good. We as humans are made to scavenge, hunt, and cook our food. - Of course, cooking came after we have discovered fire. :) Now after you have thrown out all of the junk go ahead and pat yourself on the back. It will be harder to adjust to cooking something when you're on the move but with time you will learn to adjust. You will plan your meals and it will get easier with time as long as you stick to it. Not all of the food you will make will taste good and sometimes you might feel you get tired of the same thing over and over but keep in mind. Consistency is key and discipline matters most. How do you know you did something wrong if you're all over the place with the food you eat? How will you know what caused you to get bloated or feel sick if you mixed up your baked potato with that Mcdonald's burger some milkshake and some Chinese food at night? Stay organized with your food, if your brain wants to get off track, give it one SMALL meal per week of whatever your heart desires. Eat a slice of pizza, grab some Thai food or eat out and keep the portions small, don't overindulge. And if you do end up getting off track don't lose your focus.

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Everybody makes mistakes, if you slack for one day, don't let that ruin your whole week. Get back on your healthy journey and stay focused.

  • Good. You've made progress today and here is where your brain goes: "How 'bout now, can I watch Netflix now?" Yeah - funny, but it happens and to keep it PG it's tougher than a mother trucker! Now go ahead indulge but again keep it productive and motivational. Give your brain information that it can accumulate and transform at some point. Give it ideas and watch it flourish instead of doing something unproductive like watching Netflix and laying in bed. Read a book, watch an interesting podcast, spark up a conversation with a loved one and cultivate your ideas.
  • Grab a notebook and write down whatever comes to mind. Try to organize it as well as you can and remember that you don't have to be perfect, no one is judging you. Create an action plan for yourself.
  • Use this time to figure out what you love doing. Figure out your hobby or figure out what makes you happy. Remember - The key to making this work is to work in short bursts of 60-90 minutes then take a break and do something you love for 15-20 minutes, set a timer, and get back to it.
  • Get pumped for tomorrow and start it all over again. I promise you that you will go to work on Monday feeling refreshed with a new outlook on life. At one point you will sort out all of the negative aspects of your life and you will figure out what makes you tick, and you will become UNSTOPPABLE!

I hope this was useful for you and remember!

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If you want to change the trajectory of your life, embrace these rules and apply them: Commitment is what gets you started, consistency is what gets you somewhere, and persistence is what keeps you going.?

Until my next journal if you did enjoy this read, please follow, like, share, and comment. This shows me that I am not alone and will keep me motivated to continue to share my journey. - I will anyways :) But it does boost me. And remember, I'm here to help out, don't be afraid to reach out or to express your opinion. Until next time, stay positive my friends!


