Diary of A Rookie Project ManAGER 48
PETER Honest Dateme, PMP, FNIA, CFPM
Vice President + Healthcare Architect + Project Manager + Salutogenesis Advocate + Trauma Healing Facilitator + Speaker + Author and Life Coach at Divine Dimensions Consult
Wednesday, VIII-XXX
?Dear diary,
I’ve been in this city of Jos for a long time basking in its cold and loving the people. The city sleeps early when compared to that of Lagos and I am glad that there has been a reduction in stress level for me.
However, this morning I woke up to see on several social media platforms that another African president has been dethroned by the restless military and people. In recent time there has been some restlessness in some Franco-phone countries that is keeping the African Union and ECOWAS busy.
So it got me thinking if these upheavals could impact on the Trauma Center project in Bukuru. What are the risk impacts? Do we have materials being procured from Gabon, does Dr. Pam or his sponsors in Geneva have any business dealings with the government in Gabon? and many other questions that ran through my mind. I remember once we had a construction project that needed some specified materials from Ghana and the transportation of those materials from Accra to Lagos by road, got stuck in Lome because of some political crisis in Togo.
Though Gabon is not part of the ECOWAS countries. The ECOWAS is led by the Nigerian president and from the taking of oath of office till date, his policies have impacted on our project outcome because we had to implement some risk responses. Wahala, they say is like a bicycle and Africans, especially Nigerians have had a fair rough ride on this unpleasant bicycle.
We had noticed the threat of removal of fuel subsidy by the key presidential candidates during their election campaign so we categorized that as a risk item and planned for it should it come to pass. Low and below, in the month of May it was announced and the cost of fuel Ponfa needed to power the ?generator set at the project site increased by over 100%. Though we had planned for 75%, this means we had to look into the contingency reserve purse to make up for the extra.
We had also constantly updated our risk register to include new emerging risks in different categories. Some of which are:
1.Social and Environmental Risks:
·?????? Human rights
·?????? Gender equality and women’s empowerment
·?????? Grievances (Accountability to stakeholders)
·?????? Biodiversity conservation and sustainable natural resource management
·?????? Climate change and disaster risks
·?????? Community health, safety and security
·?????? Cultural heritage
·?????? Displacement and resettlement
·?????? Indigenous peoples
·?????? Labor and working conditions
·?????? Pollution prevention and resource efficiency
·?????? Stakeholder engagement
·?????? Sexual exploitation and abuse
2. Financial
·?????? Cost recovery
·?????? Value for money
·?????? Corruption and fraud
·?????? Fluctuation in credit rate, market, currency
·?????? Delivery
·?????? Budget availability and cash flow
3. Operational
·?????? Responsiveness to audit and evaluations (Delays in the conduct of and implementation of recommendations)
·?????? Leadership and management
·?????? Flexibility and opportunity management
·?????? Reporting and communication
·?????? Transition and exit strategy
·?????? Occupational safety, health and well-being
·?????? Capacities of the partners
4. Organizational
·?????? Governance
·?????? Execution capacity
·?????? Implementation arrangements
·?????? Accountability
·?????? Monitoring and oversight
·?????? Knowledge management
·?????? Human Resources
·?????? Internal control
·?????? Procurement
5. Regulatory
·?????? Changes in the regulatory framework within the area of operation
·?????? Changes in the international regulatory framework affecting Schedule and Scope Consulting
·?????? Deviation from Schedule and Scope Consulting internal rules and regulations
?6. Safety and Security
·?????? Armed conflict
·?????? Political instability
·?????? Terrorism
·?????? Crime
·?????? Civil unrest
·?????? Natural hazards
·?????? Manmade hazards
·?????? Cyber security and threats
?We discovered at the last site meeting that we kept changing the likelihood, impact and risk level. Last week, after discussion with Mr. Yakubu who we often times call Yaks, we moved the likelihood of 6.4- Crime and 2.4- Fluctuation in credit rate, market, currency ?from 3 (moderately likely) to 4 (Highly Likely) then the risk level moved from 2 (Minor) to 4 (Extensive) this means in simple language that things have gone from bad to worse and I must have to be more alert that before. Oh dear, did I say “I” no, it is a team work bigger than me so I meant to say that we the entire project team need to stand on our toes.
?Safety and Security were not the only risk category affected by the policies of the new 9ja government. Fluctuation in credit rate, market, currency were all in shambles as the Nigerian Naira keeps plunging down without a planned parachute in sight.
?I was feeling a bit off color by the ongoing events in Niger and Gabon and the uncertainties it would pose for the global economy and so drove down to the site office playing some sounds of nature melodies till I got to the project site temporarily fenced round by corrugated roofing sheets. “Mama Ijebu” greeted me gleefully and reminded me of her ten-year-old son who longed to meet me.
?Site activities have slowed down to finishing phase and so we hear less noise at the environment. I inspected the erected block wall of the C-T Scan room. The gantry of the C- T Scan machine couldn’t pass through the door so we left one of the room’s external wall open till the machine comes into its space. The plasterwork was neat and the Architects were also pleased by the job.
?The ramp floor finishing had good grip and at goof inclination, the semi-sterile spaces that had antimicrobial floor finish were yet to dry when I got there; one of the doors with visual panels was creaky and I brought it to the attention of the architect. It is important for me on this project not to get in the way of SME but sometimes we had to fight like Mike Tyson to get value for stakeholders and achieve organizational goals.
?We had fewer fights with the contractors but lots of fights with consultants, especially the Healthcare Architects who felt they should also play the role of project managers and so wouldn’t respect the other consultants because of the word “Prime Consultants”. At such points my diplomatic instincts as a project leader come switched on, though I failed a couple of times but I’ve learnt how not to argue with Architects when you are a project manager in a building construction project even when you were the one that analyzed consultants’ bids and recommended them for the project.
?As a Rookie project manager my eyes must be on the ball – VALUE DELIVERY.
?I got my ticket to be in Kenya next weekend with three of my colleagues in our Lagos office. I was sad that our great expectation of all technical staff work-retreat wouldn’t come to fruition because the Naira has fallen like a giant against the US Dollar and one US Dollar now exchanges for 930 Nigerian Naira.