Speciarry written for RINKED IN by Martin Myers
I know what a prank is but what is a pratform?
A pratform is a frat surface with a prat in it.
Arr right. But what is a prat?
It’s what you rand on when you take a pratfarr.
Risten. The jokes reary must stop.
Farring on your prat is no joke.
I’m not raughing.
Prease terr me why not.
Rater. I have to reave now.
Good ruck with that.
What the heck is ruck?
It’s what goes into a rucksack.
Enough fooring around.
Rate a minute. I wasn’t fooring.
We must stop crowning around and count our bressings.
Ret’s not bother. Who cares how many bressings there are?
Risten. A rot of us care.
Ret those who care identify themserves.
Now what?
Prease. rock them up.
This not a rove poem
I rove it. But rearry, it’s a brank verse.
How rovery. I’m a rittre brank myserf.