Diamond Tribe 4 Week Quest for NE based Women
Victoria Morley
Change Maker. Creative. Innovator. Executive Officer, Elders Council of Newcastle. Work with me to make Newcastle an age-friendly city. Founder of Vik Studios - see link below for resources on how to redesign your world.
You can’t love someone if you don’t know them.
In order to love someone you have to understand them and respect them. You have to learn to value them and want them to be happy.
Diamond tribe is not only a quest for calm and resilience, but it is an opportunity to get to know and love yourself. To nurture your needs. To tune into yourself on the deepest level.
Diamond tribe will help you reconnect with yourself and discover things about yourself that you didn’t know. You’ll be supported by other strong women as we unearth diamonds and relearn our worth together.
This quest is intentionally affordable and runs for 4 weeks in South Shields, at my calm centre, NE34 9PE.
You will come away from this changed and with new tools that you’ll serve you throughout your life.
Diamond tribe is perfect for you if:
you are a woman in the north east of England
you are looking for help and direction but money is tight
you feel chaotic, stressed, overwhelmed or anxious
you are nervous and have low self esteem
you have been hurt or feel broken
life feels stagnant, with no direction
you feel lost or alone
Diamond tribe is not for you if:
you can’t commit to 1 hour per week for personal growth
you are face down in the mud but want to stay there for a bit longer
you are looking for spiritual coaching
you are looking for surface level, temporary self care
This quest is all centred on you, your mind and how your thought processes work and finding the path that leads to the life you want for yourself.
The next quest starts Wed 10th May. Tell your friends.