Diamond in the rough
Frida Kahlo said , "I am my own muse. I am the subject I know best. The subject I want to know better." It is known that we must face the toughest of challenges to know the littlest of ourselves. Nevertheless, it is still something. As tiring as it may sound,we are social animals.We thrive on adhering ourselves to a standard set in the context of the society, mostly involuntarily . But,we do have a history of defying conformations and convicting pre-established norms.We,indeed, take delight in democratic freedoms because of such outbreaks of reforms.However, motives such as these are mixed blessings In the? context of our life, we push ourselves to be so exceptional or unique that , often times we tend to lose what is more crucial.OURSELVES.The actions we do must be only to enhance? and acknowledge the things that make us who we are. Life,in all of its glory, burns us down with external pressures to conform for which we, or atleast i ,often react with excessive or overindulgent behaviours.We drain ourselves a lot before we truly recognize that it's okay to be different from others.Having said that, it is rather foolish to expect things to always go the way we intend it to.Mistakes are the better part of life.The idea of embracing the imperfect nature of life seems not too bad. Sometimes, the flaws in life's canvas add the most breathtaking strokes.When Denzel Washington said, 'You pray for rain, you gotta deal with the mud,' it resonated deeply. Life's trials often accompany our greatest desires. Let's embrace the journey, mud and all, knowing that growth often arises from adversity.One thing, we can assure ourselves? in this world of uncertainty,is that we are special in our own ways. Not everyone will share your worldview, not everyone can see or feel the things you do, not everyone relates to your life and certainly not everyone understands what it's like to wear your skin and walk in your shoes. I can't say I know better than any of you, but come what may, be grateful for your experiences and try to see in yourself the beacon you are hoping to show up.Have you seen or watched animals hunting?They seem wholly engrossed and? fixated in the moment.Perhaps,to live in the moment is an eternal piece of insight that we need to apprehend and try to be tuned to the here and now. In retrospect, we are where we are and who we are for a reason.I believe this alignment will eventually provide a deep sense of purpose and contentment though it first comes with a feeling of not fitting in. Like a master jeweller unveiling the brilliance of a diamond,standing by your convictions will reveal the eureka that your authenticity is your true blue.Stay true to yourself cause when all is said and done ,no matter the peer pressure, the reward however, is pristine. Because in the worst-case scenario, you're doing something you love; in the best-case scenario, something remarkable unfolds.