Dialog Axiata recognised as "Fully Transparent" in its corporate reporting in 2022 by Transparency International Sri Lanka
Transparency International Sri Lanka (TISL) launched its report on Transparency in Corporate Reporting (TRAC) for the year 2022, which assesses the top 100 Public Limited Companies on the Colombo Stock Exchange (as per market capitalization on 5th July 2022) on their level of transparency in the disclosure of information. The assessment is being conducted for the third consecutive year. The TRAC assessment scores and ranks companies on several thematic areas crucial to fighting and preventing corruption: reporting on anti-corruption programmes, transparency in company holdings, the disclosure of key financial information in domestic operations and disclosure on gender and non-discrimination policies. Dialog has been declared as “Fully Transparent” in its Anti-Corruption Programme Reporting for the year 2022.
Below-mentioned interview is extracted from the LMD April 2023 issue? - https://dlg.lk/3oHu8Fq
Q: How does Dialog put transparency into action?
A: Transparency is central to our commitment and core value of uncompromising integrity. Dialog's strong governance framework is underpinned by several Board subcommittees, including the Board Risk & Compliance Committee, Board Audit Committee, Capital Investment and Procurement Management Committee, and Related Party Transactions Committee.
Dialog has implemented a comprehensive anti-bribery and anti-corruption programme, guided by the TRUST principles: T – Top Level Commitment, R – Risk Assessment, U – Undertaking Control Measures, S – Systematic Review, Monitoring, and Enforcement and T – Training and Communication. Additionally, Dialog's independently verified financial reporting ensures that the company maintains a high level of financial transparency. We are happy to note that Dialog was ranked as ‘fully transparent’ on its reporting by Transparency International Sri Lanka, which assesses the top 100 Public Limited Companies on the Colombo Stock Exchange on the level of transparency in the disclosure of information.
Further, Dialog facilitates multiple anonymous channels for employees and any other stakeholder to speak up and raise concerns, and the company conducts employee engagement surveys to maintain a two-way communication flow. This commitment to transparency allows Dialog to ensure that its employees operate with the highest level of integrity and ethics, which ultimately supports the company's long-term value creation.
Q: What’s your organisation’s stance when it comes to aspects such as disclosure on gender and non-discrimination policies?
A: Dialog is committed to promoting gender and non-discrimination policies in its workplace. The company's policies and procedures, including its code of conduct and whistleblowing procedures, are designed to foster a safe and inclusive work environment for all employees.
The company does not discriminate based on any factors, including age, gender, race, sexual orientation, or disabilities and has a zero-tolerance policy towards sexual harassment. This commitment is underpinned by a consolidated framework known as the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Framework, which promotes equal opportunities within the workplace. Recruitment, rewards, and career progression are determined based on employees' skills, knowledge, competencies, and the nature of their work. Dialog's whistleblowing policy enables employees to report any discrimination-related concerns, and the company ensures that appropriate action is taken to address them.
Dialog remains committed to empowering women, in line with the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals, including elevating female representation across the Group. Further, the company also supports the GSMA’s Connected Women initiative by committing to increase the percentage of women using mobile internet and mobile money services within its subscriber base. Dialog has consistently maintained an open and positive stance towards disclosing its gender and non-discrimination-related practices. The company's Annual Reports and Sustainability Reports provide detailed insights into its policies and practices, enabling stakeholders to gain a comprehensive understanding of its approach to promoting diversity, gender equality and inclusivity.
"We encourage 'Corporate Sri Lanka' to take a leading role in promoting transparency and accountability by disclosing... anti-corruption programmes"
Q: What are the key governance/compliance challenges faced by your organisation? And how are you looking to overcome them?
A: Dialog operates in a highly competitive market, with a commitment to serve from the heart, invest in new technology, and offer affordable prices while differentiating itself from competitors. As the market leader and a highly regulated industry participant, Dialog faces multitude of regulations, including licenses, permits, and customs clearances. Noncompliance can result in significant fines or even license revocation, impeding the company's seamless and efficient operations.
Given the aforementioned challenging operational environment, Dialog places great emphasis on maintaining a robust governance framework throughout the organisation and its operations. To this end, the company has established an Anti-corruption & Anti-bribery programme that meticulously monitors and regulates aspects such as bribery and corruption, politically exposed persons, nepotism, and dealings with third parties. The programme includes a "No Gift" policy and a governance process for gifts, donations, sponsorships, and related transactions that prioritize transparency and accountability. These measures ensure that Dialog operates ethically, with the highest levels of integrity and transparency, which further enhances its reputation, helps maintain its leadership position in the market and enables the company to fulfill its vision of empowering and enriching Sri Lankan lives and enterprises.
Q: What are your thoughts on disclosing information from anti-corruption programmes that companies have undertaken?
A: As a responsible corporate citizen and digital companion to over 17 million Sri Lankans, we recognize that it is our duty to lead by example and raise awareness of the critical importance of transparency and accountability. Our commitment to these values gives our customers, employees, and the entire value chain confidence that Dialog takes the issue of anti-corruption seriously.
Moreover, Dialog understands the significance of backing up such disclosures with concrete evidence of execution to maintain the trust of all stakeholders and the communities in which it operates. We firmly believe that companies who disclose their anti-corruption programmes must demonstrate their adherence to such commitments by providing evidence of their execution. This practice not only fosters a culture of trust but also ensures that anti-corruption measures go beyond mere rhetoric.
In light of this, we encourage Corporate Sri Lanka to take a leading role in promoting transparency and accountability by disclosing their anti-corruption programs. As Dialog continues its efforts in this crucial endeavour, we hope to inspire other organisations to follow suit and work towards creating a better future for Sri Lanka.
Director of Finance at EDOTCO Bangladesh Co Ltd
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