Dialectical Materialism (DM)
Dialectical materialism is the Marxist explanation of what people, the Earth and the Universe are—and what makes them go round. DM is the Communist philosophy.
DM is claimed to be radically different from all other philosophies. Communists say it is based on hard scientific evidence and logic. It’s the tool of social transformation. “The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it.” (Karl Marx).
Two premises are central for DM.
- Everything that exists is material. Our thoughts, abstractions and ideas are nothing else but reflections of material objects in our physical brains. There are no souls, gods, angels, demons, astral beings, or anything else that doesn’t have a physical form. No “pure information” that isn’t an objective reality. This is Materialism.
- Everything that exists, is in contradiction and conflict with something else. That comes in pairs. The magnetic poles, Reps and Dems, boys and girls, iOS and Android—they fight, and fight, and out of that fight, something new comes about. And immediately faces something else to fight against. There’s no beginning and no end tot his. Whatever, or whoever is not fighting, is dead, or a fiction of our imagination. No need for God to make people and things move their a$$es. Everyone and everything does this by themselves. This is the Dialectics.
If you want your soul to stay around after your death, or if you don’t like fights, you better look for another philosophy.
I graduated from RUDN University in Moscow.At that time all undergraduates had to pass ,in addition to the main curriculum the following subjects.History of Soviet Union,Marxist Philosophy,Political economics and Scientific Communism.I had differences of opinion with the professors who taught me .I was told these subjects are compulsory and I have to prove that I have mastered before criticizing.I learnt them well and scored highest possible ratings for these subjects in order to qualify to express my own opinions
One year after my obtaining Masters degree same university offered me a full scholarship to do a PhD. I was required once again write a paper on a communist topic and I ran in to a problem once again.Anyway I had to abandon my research work and the PhD for several reasons.I returned home and joined the private sector
I value DM and it had helped me a lot to explain many social phenomena