diagnosis of usb flash disk
What happened to usb flash drive? especially to wholesellers who buy a lot of usb flash drive.if you describle your problems ,we will make a free diagnosis for you freely
For example :
Question :
Hope you are well. I am afraid we have a?problem with the USBs we did last month.?The title is : KnowItAll 21.0.83 (978EALDB2023 ).?Please see the email below. This was reported by my client’s Japan office.
Our Japan office has received news from one of our partners that there is a problem with the current 21.0 978EALDB02023 USBs.
Of the 50 USBs checked 32 USBs displayed an error message when plugged in for the first time. “A problem was found on this drive. Please scan and repair the drive.”
Usb Flash Drive Diagnosis1
Can the warehouse run scan and repair on the remaining USB inventory?
Can you ask the vendor how this might have happened??
If the USBs were improperly connected from an older, non-Windows 10 computer, that can cause this problem. How can we prevent this from happening again?
The proof USBs called themselves a USB device, but the other USBs call themselves Pen Drives. Were slightly different USBs used to fulfill the order than were sent as proofs?
Usb Flash Drive Diagnosis 2
Usb Flash Drive Diagnosis 3
978EALDB02023 USBs, KNO 2021.0
JASCO reported the following 3 issues.
Issue #1
All of the first batch (50 USBs at least 32 copies checked by JASCO and us) shows the following error message every time we stick the USB to a PC.?(It says?” A problem was found on this drive.?Please scan and repair the drive.”)?
Usb Flash Drive Diagnosis1 1
Yet, customers, including JASCO and their customers, suspect the defect, so that we need to fix it.
(Does this happen on your PC?)
Can you investigate why this happens?
By talking to JASCO we are planning to get all of the USBs back (about 30 copies) to our Japan office and run the?scan and repair.?Then send them back to JASCO.?Also, we send all of the USBs in YAMATO to our Japan office (about 15 copies) to run the?scan and repair?before we ship to our customers.
I see the Singapore warehouse now has 84?978EALDB02023 USBs in stock,
Can anyone run the?scan and repair?for those USBs?
Please find the cause and make sure that?978EALDB02023 USBs for v21.1 are free from this issue.
Issue #2
As you see in the screenshot when people try to eject the USB drive, it says “Eject PenDrive”.?It should say “Eject USB drive” or so.
I believe that it happens all of the USBs.
Usb Flash Drive Diagnosis 3 1
Issue #3
Some of the USBs have a “System Volume Information” folder besides the “KnowItAll Installation” and “Utilities” folders.
(My copy does not have this folder.)
Usb Flash Drive Diagnosis 4
Please investigate why some of the USBs have this extra folder and what it does as well as what does it mean by “X” on the folder icon.
To issue 1 :?NTFS is a format designed for mechanical hard disks. It will record the read and write operations of the disk in detail. It is a log file system. When used on a USB flash drive, it will cause a great burden on the flash memory, which will affect the experience and performance of the USB flash drive to a certain extent. If cilents insist using NTFS format for the 23GB file ,We factory colorusb can add a QC check and make sure that all the tests finished on Win 10 systerm
To issue 2:?We can do the setting in process of production to make sure the name
Usb Flash Drive Diagnosis 5
To issue 3:?This folder is a system file automatically generated by the system after the U disk is inserted into the W10 system. On the one hand, our company selected some products for testing on W10 (to prevent W10 system compatibility issues) when shipping, and on the other hand, it may be that the customer has inserted a USB flash drive into the W10 computer. This type of file has no effect on the USB flash drive, but the W10 system makes a mark on the USB flash drive. Inserting a USB flash drive into a MAC system will also generate some temporary files.
for detailed link pls check : https://colorusb.com/diagnosis-of-usb-flash-disk/