Diadem? green roofs – the green overheads cost reduction
DIADEM greenroofs
DIADEM? develops, produces and sells greenroof systems and DiaSafe? fall protection safety systems
This technical solution has favourable consequences not only for our wallet, but also for our environment. Diadem?'s extensive, semi-intensive and intensive green roofs keep the heat outside in summer and inside in winter.
Overcrowded cities, little green space
Our cities, which are overcrowded with blocks of flats, are becoming more and more unliveable, public utilities cannot keep up with the rapidly increasing number of the buildings, urban green areas are disappearing and the quality of the existing green areas is also deteriorating significantly. The situation is getting worse and worse by additional sectoral factors, primarily by the current level of construction morals and the fashion. Most settlements struggle with the fact that investors want to make as much profit as possible from the constructions, so they exploit the areas. They strive for the highest built-in percentage on the smallest possible plots, naturally at the expense of green areas. All of this is made even more difficult by the fashion, which typically prioritizes houses with flat roofs.
Negative environmental effects justify green roof installation
Other environmental factors also have an impact on the quality of life of city dwellers. The average temperature is constantly increasing, we are experiencing ever hotter summers. The distribution of rain falls has changed, we experience a much larger amount of rain falls on the roofs periodically at the same time than a few decades ago. In the meantime, we are constantly affected by stronger noise effects. And the latest challenge is the energy crisis, the construction industry should also respond to. Lower energy consumption and lower heat loss must be achieved with appropriate technical solutions.
Why should we build a green roof?
Among the important ecological advantages of green surfaces, the retention of rainwater, the relief of the sewer network, the maintenance of the natural water cycle, the improvement of the microclimate, and the ability to absorb harmful substances should be highlighted. The ecological benefits are also realized in economic benefits, among other things in the reduction of sewerage costs, the increase in the quality level of the living space, the enhancement of thermal insulation capacity and thus energy savings. Green roofs provide the building with extra thermal insulation, keeping the heat out in the summer and the cold in the winter. Without expanding the premises’ size, the amount of green areas and usable open spaces of the property increases, so the quality of people's immediate living and working environment also rises. A new habitat will be created for the flora and fauna that are suffering in densely populated settlements, thereby supporting initiatives for the preservation and maintenance of species. With the construction of a green roof, the run-off value of the property decreases by holding back rainwater, thereby relieving the burden on the sewer network, returning the water to the natural cycle, and moreover the sewer fee is reduced.
The additional importance of green surfaces on the roof is that the structure's step- and air sound insulation, as well as its thermal insulation capacity increase. They absorb a significant part of the harmful substances and noise of the urban environment, and also reduce the effect of light pollution.