Diabetes Misconceptions
There are many misconceptions out there when it comes to diabetes.?
Here are just a few:?
At Quest Health Solutions, one of our top priorities is diabetes education, and we are here to help set the record straight.?
Diabetes Differences?
First, it’s important to understand the differences in diabetes to learn what can and can’t be controlled. This understanding can help clear up some of the misconceptions.?
Type 1 Diabetes
The immune system creates antibodies that destroy insulin producing cells in the pancreas. Insulin is needed for cells to take up glucose. If insulin is lacking, as is the case with Type 1, then this raises blood glucose levels and results in diabetes. A person living with type 1 diabetes requires insulin therapy because they lack the cells needed to produce insulin. Type 1 diabetes CAN NOT be prevented. ?
Type 2 Diabetes
Considered to be the more common form of diabetes, Type 2 occurs when cells in the body become more resistant to the effects of insulin, so less glucose is taken up by the cells. This raises blood glucose. Cells in the pancreas try to produce and release more insulin to overcome this resistance.? Over time, the pancreas can’t produce enough insulin and blood glucose levels remain high resulting in diabetes. Type 2 diabetes CAN be prevented.?
Diabetes Risk Factors?
Next, let’s take a look at the risk factors associated with diabetes to help resolve some common misconceptions and myths about diabetes. While being overweight is certainly a risk factor for developing diabetes, it’s not the only one. It is quite possible for people who are considered to be of average weight to have Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes so it’s important to understand the factors that actually do put a person at risk.??
Diabetes Numbers?
Here are a few facts and figures to help dispute the common misconceptions about type 1 and type 2 diabetes even further and to show its impact around the world. Diabetes is a serious disease and should be taken seriously.2,3?
Diabetes Resources?
At Quest Health Solutions, our mission is to create awareness, clarify misconceptions, provide support and education to our patients and healthcare providers. By working together, we can all spread the message clearly and accurately. Whether you are a patient, healthcare provider, diabetic educator or a loved one looking for more information, we are here to support you. To learn more, contact us 1-800-993-9996, email [email protected] or schedule an appointment today.?In the meantime, please continue to check our blog for more information and let us know about any topics you would like to learn more about in the future.?