Diabetes and Homoeopathic medicines for it! Do they work?
BJain Pharma India's most trusted homeopathic medicine manufacturer & Exporter in India
Diabetes is at its all-time high. In India, approximately 77 million individuals over the age of 18 have type 2 diabetes, with roughly 25 million being pre-diabetics (at risk of acquiring diabetes soon). More than half of people are not aware of their diabetes condition, which can lead to health concerns if not discovered and treated promptly.
According to the IDF, one out of every?seven diabetic people in the world lives in India, and diabetes people make up one-third of all households. These stats must raise an immense concern for your health.
Diabetes is a silent killer. Individuals with diabetes have a two- to threefold higher risk of having a stroke or having a heart attack. When paired with decreased blood flow, neuropathy (nerve damage) in the feet raises the risk of foot ulcers, infection, and the necessity for limb amputation. Diabetic retinopathy is a significant cause of blindness that results from persistent harm to the retina's tiny blood vessels. Diabetes is one of the primary causes of renal failure.
How can Homeopathy help?
Homeopathy provides great support to your body as a whole. It can help in treating the underlying condition manifesting itself as diabetes. According to my understanding of medicine, nothing happens without any underlying deficiency or apparent or inapparent malfunction. In Homoeopathy, it has been believed that every disease has a true dynamic cause.
Homeopathy corrects those malfunctions and restores the required balance. Medicine is selected based on presented complaints, personality, and disease onset. Even though Diabetes presents itself in many varieties of symptoms, every patient feels certain unique symptoms along with common features of Diabetes. That is what makes homeopathy, an individualistic approach.
What are the Homeopathic medicines for Diabetes?
What are the precautions every Pre-Diabetic should take?
To keep prediabetes from escalating into type 2 diabetes, attempt to: