D&I - a new perspctive

D&I - a new perspctive

D&I need to change perspective - and not name D&I targets after the fishing industry ??

In 2023 I have been sitting through a lot of D&I sessions (as I also did in 22) because I find it important. But honestly, I was often a little bored – and I had to ask myself why? The answer was because it doesn’t help to talk about about the same data, bias’, arguments again and again. It was all knowledge. Analyzing the 'why not'. ?I came to realize that we need to change the perspective – we have enough knowledge… (sorry if I provoke some people here – the intention is good). What we need is not easier, but a lot more simple… We need to look at the How..

When I introduced Execution (Handlekraft) via 3 books together with Stig Kjerulf, we put focus on the fundamental difference between knowledge, decisions and execution. Knowledge has no value unless it leads to better decisions…! And decisions have no value unless they are executed…!.If we use that perspective on D&I we keep pouring knowledge into the pot… But we lack decisions about recruiting and promoting more diversity. And most of all we lack execution. The statistics speak for themselves... The missing decisions we even call by a name from the fishing-industry – ‘quotas’…. In the rest of the business we call it targets… Let’s do that.

After targets (decisions) comes execution. The hard part. But by watching areas in Novo Nordisk move the meter on Diversity dramatically in just 1 year, we can learn how to execute on better D&I:

1.????CEO put a target

2.????Leaders and HR ensure diversity in every single recruitment, promotion and talent list. And if not diverse enough – then just do it again... Post the job again, Rephrase the add to a more diverse attracting language, prompt diverse profiles to apply etc.

3.????Support your diverse profiles in their careers

4.????Build a culture of inclusion.

It simple, but not easy..!

That’s where the D&I agenda needs to go. So come on leaders. You don’t need to understand 25 biases and other theories – you just need to get the job done. Please.

It’s not rocket science – it’s all about execution!


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