DHS/FEMA's Planning Guidance for Response to a Nuclear Detonation
The mid-19th century American showman PT Barnum is credited with saying that "there's a sucker born every minute." Less certain is who coined the expression "you can fool?all the?people some?of the time, and?some of the people?all the time, but you cannot fool all the?people?all the time."?
I'm just astonished at the extent a federal agency will go to "whitewash" the truth.
Since 2018, it has been known that DHS/FEMA has no in-coming missile alert protocol - a means of warning the public of a very grave risk and hopefully saving lives.
To put his doubt to rest, in August 2020, I submitted a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request asking for details of what the Agency had on this.
The response was inadequate – to be generous. Basically, I was told they could not locate documents I had asked for. When I advised the Agency of the existence of a key document a slide deck entitled "National Level Alert and Warning," the Agency changed its tune and went back to dig deeper for documents (https://lnkd.in/d-aijckD?&?https://lnkd.in/gnXjWcMG).
To this day, despite countless assurances that a final response was under review and a designated staff member assigned to prioritize my request, I have yet to receive a proper – any – further – response. The Agency has gone cold. Never mind that the Agency has been in violation of the Freedom of Information Act (https://www.justice.gov/oip/freedom-information-act-5-usc-552) and of the DOJ’s US Attorney General’s FOIA Guidelines (https://www.justice.gov/ag/page/file/1483516/download) for not meeting the timeline prescribed for a timely response.?
Today, a Google search turned up a FEMA document entitled “Planning Guidance for Response to a Nuclear Detonation” 3rd?Edition, December 2021 (https://www.fema.gov/sites/default/files/documents/fema_planning-guidance-response-nuclear-detonation.pdf).?At last, long last – an answer but?buried deep – very deep – in the document.?
Anyone not on top of this issue as I have been would be forgiven to think that the federal government is on top of this. It most definitely is not.
The report begins with:?
“This third edition has been updated and expanded to provide guidance for a wider range of nuclear 14 detonations, including larger detonations and air bursts, incorporates new research, best practices, and 15 response resources. Additionally, this version of the planning guidance includes a new chapter on the 16 Integrated Public Alert & Warning System (IPAWS), which enables state, local, tribal, and territorial (SLTT) 17 officials to send warnings and key messages during the response.”
Further into the?241-page report, the Agency notes this – not once – but twice:
“The 2020 National Defense Authorization Act, PL 116-92 states that the authority to originate an alert warning the public of a missile launch directed against a state using the public A&W system shall reside primarily with the Federal Government. This law includes information sent to State Warning Points (SWPs) through National Warning System (NAWAS). FEMA has begun work on obtaining funding and recommended approaches to implement the provisions of PL-116-92.”
Yet again:
“As mentioned, the?2020 National Defense Authorization Act, PL 116-92 states that the authority to originate an alert warning the public of a missile launch directed against a State using the public A&W system shall reside primarily with the Federal Government. This law includes information sent to SWP through NAWAS. FEMA has begun work on obtaining funding and recommended approaches to implement the provisions of PL-116-92.”
Several problems:
Prior to the passage of the legislation, I suggested Congress waive the implementation process – we are dealing with weapons of mass destruction.?Time is of the essence.
It’s 2022. Why is this report still in “draft” form ?
Most troubling why is a report posted online with a repeated note: “PRE-DECISIONAL DRAFT – Not for Public Distribution or Release.”?
As damaging as the last bullet was, this line should make your blood boil:?
“FEMA has begun work on obtaining funding and recommended approaches to implement the provisions of PL-116-92.”?
“FEMA has begun …?” Are you kidding me??
How can this be?
This is from a report with this topline messaging:?
I am neither impressed nor fooled.
The incompetency is just mind-boggling. I'm Flabbergasted.
Where is the sense of urgency? Where is the oversight?
How can this be Mr. President? Mr. Secretary? Madam Administrator??
This is nothing but dereliction of duty.??
God help us.
President at Constituency for Africa
2 年Sent to my friend Ambassador Bonnie Jenkins. I assume you know her?